Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray

By | June 16, 2023

Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray – The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is different from the traditional rosary. Although the opening and closing prayers may differ, the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows is essentially seven sets of prayers, each consisting of one Our Father followed by seven Hail Marys commemorating one of Mary’s seven Sorrows, as well as three Hail Marys. prayers that can be said before or after the seven sets. The seven sorrows of Mary reflected are:

The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows is a devotion that has been practiced for many centuries. It is especially beautiful for mothers to practice, because while nothing gives mothers more joy than their children, they also suffer great pain watching their children take up their cross in life. This devotion helps mothers to realize that the Blessed Mother is with them, understands their heartache and comforts them in all trials. A recommended format with prayers and devotions written specifically for mothers can be found in the book Mothers’ Rosary.

Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray

Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray

In Spanish El Rosario De Los 7 Dolores (seven Sorrows Rosary) Booklet

“On the way home to Nazareth in the company of our relatives, Joseph and I suddenly realize that Jesus is missing. Together we begin to anxiously look for our new Jesus. So many questions occupy our aching heads, as our eyes dart desperately in the hope of seeing him again. His face. Has anyone taken him? Is this the hour? Is he still alive? Guilt and guilt oppress my sad heart as we begin the third day of our quest. Joseph and I, hand in hand, climb the steps from the Temple in Jerusalem, to pray together when we see Jesus His gaze falls on us and He reveals that His separation from us was necessary to fulfill His Father’s will.

“Mary, bless my husband and me as we seek guidance, pray for God’s will to be done, and as we suffer together to bear spiritual fruit for each other and for our children.” We accept toy donations year-round, if you’d like to donate from the comfort of your own home, click on this Amazon wish list.

Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows (also known as the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows or the Servite Rosary)

Our Lady Of Sorrows & The Seven Sorrows Rosary Devotion A Devotion You Can’t Afford To Ignore

Devotion to the Mother of Sorrows goes back to the beginnings of the Church. The first example is Saint John at the foot of the cross. This piety was confirmed in the history of the Church by the story of the Gospel of Saint John: “And by the cross of Jesus stood His mother…” (John 19:25). Although piety has always been a part of Catholic piety, it wasn’t until the 13th century that piety, meditating on the Sorrows of Our Lady, began to flourish much more.

In Florence, Italy, seven holy men of noble origin left the city in search of solitude on Mount Senario and together formed a community that dedicated their lives to prayer and penance. All seven holy men had a strong devotion to Our Lady. On Good Friday 1239, while meditating on the Passion of our Lord and the Passion of Our Lady, Our Lady appeared to 7 holy men and made known to them her desire to establish an Order. devotion to Her Sorrows. These men became the founders of the religious order of the Servants of Mary (or Servites) and are all canonized today. At Our Lady’s request, the seven founders have devoted themselves to the order’s meditation on the pain that Our Lady suffered in the life, suffering and death of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and are committed to promoting this devotion. meditating on the seven sorrows of Christ. Our Lady of All Catholics, Introduction to the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Later, in the 1980s in Rwanda, Africa, it gained new popularity after the Marian apparitions in Kibeho, which were confirmed by the Catholic Church. During the apparitions of Mary, Marie Claire Mukangango was given the mission of reintroducing this special rosary to the world by her young visionary. Before her untimely death, Marie Claire did just that, traveling widely to teach it to thousands who then taught it to thousands more. (Marie Claire was killed in the genocide of more than a million people in Rwanda, a tragedy foretold by the visions of bloodshed that Kibeho’s youth received years before the killings.)

Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray

Father Leszek Čelusniak, MIC, who is in charge of the Marian mission in Rwanda, interviewed Natalia, another Kibeho visionary, and asked her to summarize Marian’s messages. Here was Natalia’s response:

Rosary Seven Sorrows Chaplet Red

“The Holy Virgin insisted on the necessity of prayer. She said that the world is evil. It is necessary to pray, to pray, to pray a lot for this world, which is evil, to pray for sinners, to pray for their conversion. She insisted a lot on the need for repentance: Repent to God ! Repent to God! Repent to God! While she said that people do not obey God’s commandments, that people have hard hearts, she also asked us to reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary. and pray it every day. She also taught us the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. She prayed us to pray it every Tuesday and Friday. She asked us to obey the Church, to love God in truth and to love our neighbor. In humility and simplicity. She spoke of the necessity of death, the spirit of repentance and sacrifice. She also spoke of the necessity of suffering to bring our suffering. She said that no one goes to heaven without suffering. She also told us that charity for the poor makes us beautiful flowers that God loves. She wanted a chapel to be built here in Kibeho so that everyone would remember her visit and pray for the church and religion. Saint Mary spoke to us in Kinyarwanda [the Rwandan language] with her very soft voice.

There are seven vows associated with the practice of praying seven Hail Marys every day, meditating on Our Lady’s tears and sorrows. The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed them to St. Bridget of Sweden:

Below is a description of this amazing Rosary as the Virgin Mother herself taught it to Marie Claire in Kibeho. It can be asked to contemplate aloud or silently, alone or with others; the main thing is that prayers, reflections and meditations always come from the depths of our hearts… It is important that when we reach each of the seven sorrows, we take a moment to meditate on the magnitude of Mary’s suffering. ..and the power of Our Mother’s love.

Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer + Faith

Introductory prayer: My God, I offer You this Rosary in Your honor, so that I may glorify Your Most Holy Mother, the Most Holy Virgin, to be able to share and contemplate Her sufferings. I humbly beseech you, grant me true repentance for all my sins. Give me wisdom and humility so that I can receive all the concessions of this prayer.

Act of Penance: O my God, I am truly sorry that I have offended You, and I am disgusted with all my sins, for I fear the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but above all because they offend You, my God, You who are good and worthy of all my love. I am determined to confess my sins, atone and improve my life with the help of Your grace. Amen.

“And when the time came for them to be purified according to the law of Moses, they took him to Jerusalem to present it to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord: “Every person who opens the womb, let him be called holy to the Lord .”). There, the old priest Simeon held the baby Jesus in his hands, and the Holy Spirit filled his heart. Recognizing Jesus as the promised Savior, Simeon raised the Child to heaven, thanking God for his fulfillment. wants him to live long enough to see the Messiah.

Seven Sorrows Rosary How To Pray

“Now let your servant leave this life in peace, my lord,” he said… Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary: “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign. which is contrary (and the sword shall pierce your soul also) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

Know The 7 Sorrows And Promises Of Our Lady Of Sorrows, Queen Of Martyrs

Thus the Blessed Virgin knew that she had given birth to the Redeemer of mankind