Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet

By | April 14, 2023

Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet – “Does everything that passes by mean nothing to you? Look and see if there is any sorrow like mine?” (John 19:31-34, Lamentations Jeremiah 1:12)

The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows originated in the Middle Ages but gained new popularity after the Marian apparitions in Kibeho, which were approved by the Catholic Church. When Mary appeared to Marie-Claire Mukangango, she entrusted the young visionary with the task of presenting this unique rosary to the world. Before her untimely death, Marie Claire did just that, traveling widely to share with thousands of people, and then sharing with thousands more. (Marie-Claire was killed in the Rwandan genocide of over a million people, a situation highlighted by the river of blood the youths of Kibeho received several years before the shooting.)

Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet

Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet

He (the Holy Spirit) promised that when we pray and repent with an open heart, our Lord will forgive our sins and free our souls from guilt and sorrow. In addition, the rosary promises that over time we will grow in our understanding of why we sin and that knowledge will give us wisdom and strength, or that we will get rid of some internal defects, weak qualities or bad qualities that cause unpleasantness and retention. We have come to enjoy the wonderful life that God has prepared for us.

Rosary Of The Seven Dolors: With Prayers And Over 70 Medieval, Renaissance, And Baroque Paintings Of Our Lady’s Sorrows: Cason, Shalone: 9798562693082: Books

The following is a description of the Miraculous Rosary that the Virgin Mary herself shared with Marie-Claire at Kibeho. He may pray alone or with others out loud or meditate in silence. The important thing is to pray, think and always think deeply from our hearts… When we come to the seven problems, it is important to take a moment to consider the extent of Mary’s suffering. ..and the power of our mother’s love.

O my God, I give you this rosary for your glory, to glorify your heavenly Father who blessed the Virgin, to share his suffering and think about it. I humbly ask you to grant me true repentance for all my sins. Give me wisdom and humility to accept all the efforts in this prayer.

O my God, I am very sorry that I have offended you, and I hate all my sins because I fear the fall from heaven and the torments of hell; But mostly because they hurt you, my God, who are all good and worthy of love. With the help of your grace, I am determined to confess my sins, get rich and fix my life. Amen.

“And when the time came for them to purify themselves according to the law of Moses, they took Jesus to Jerusalem so that everyone who opens his stomach would be justified (as written in God’s law). Who is holy to the Lord?)) There the high priest Simon held the baby Jesus in his hands, and the Holy Spirit filled his heart, Simon Jesus was the promised savior Knowing that he was, he took his son to heaven and thanked God that he wanted to live long enough to see the Messiah.

Rosary Seven Sorrows Chaplet Red

My Lord, now your servant said, I will leave this life in peace… And Simon blessed them and said to his mother Mary: – Behold, this child is prepared for the fall and rise of many nations in Israel. The sign that will arise from many hearts will sharpen a sword on your soul.

The Holy Spirit knew that a Savior was born for mankind, so he understood and accepted Simon’s prophecy. Although his heart was filled with acceptance of the birth of the baby Jesus, his heart was heavy and troubled, because he knew what he had written about the suffering and death of the Savior. Every time she sees her son, she always remembers her suffering, and the suffering became her own.

Our Mother Mary, whose heart is suffering because of us, teach us to suffer in love with you and to accept all the suffering that God wants to send our way. Let us suffer, and let only God know our suffering, just like you and Jesus. Let us not show our suffering to the world, so that it will suffer more and be used for the atonement of the sins of the world. O Mother, who suffered with the Savior of the world, we are your children, so we offer our suffering and the suffering of the world. Join those sufferings to yourselves and to the Lord Jesus Christ, then give them to God the Father. You are the great mother of all.

Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet

When Joseph told her that Herod wanted to kill Jesus, get up quickly and flee to Egypt, Mary’s heart was broken and her heart was troubled. The Holy Virgin had no time to decide whether to take it or leave it; He took the child, left everything behind, and ran outside Joseph to hurry according to God’s will. Then he said, “Even though God has the power to control everything, he wants us to run with Jesus. God will show us the way, and then we will arrive without the enemy catching us.”

The Seven Swords

Because the Holy Spirit is the mother of Jesus, she loves him more than anyone else. When the child saw that the child did not feel well, his heart was troubled, and he suffered greatly because he was cold and shivering. When she and her husband were tired, sleepy, and hungry on this long journey, Mary thought only of her son’s safety and comfort. He was afraid of the soldiers who were sent to kill Jesus. Because he knew that the enemy was in Bethlehem. During this flight his mind was constantly troubled. He knows that no matter where they go, there will be no happy faces.

O mother who has suffered a lot, give us the courage of your heart. May we have the courage to be brave like you and to accept with love what God has sent us. Help us to accept all the suffering that we cause ourselves and the suffering that others inflict on us. Heavenly Father, you, with Jesus, cleanse our suffering so that we can glorify God and save our souls.

Jesus is the only son of God, but he is the son of Mary. The Holy Spirit loves Jesus more than himself because he is his God. Compared to other children, he is superior because he already lived as God. When Mary lost Jesus on their way back from Jerusalem, she was devastated because she believed that the world was big and lonely and she couldn’t go without him. (The child felt the same pain he felt when the disciples left him at Passover.)

As the heavenly father looked down upon his beloved son in anguish, the pain was deep in his heart. He blamed himself, asking why he wasn’t more concerned about him. But it wasn’t his fault; Jesus doesn’t need protection like he used to. The reason why Mary made her son stay without her consent. Jesus has made him happy in everything he has done so far: he has not disappointed him and he has not displeased his parents. He always knows he’s doing the right thing, and yet, he never feels disobedient.

Our Lady’s Seven Promises To Those Who Meditate On Her Seven Sorrows

Mother of God, teach us to accept all the suffering caused by our sins and to atone for the whole world.

Mary carries the heavy cross alone – she sees the cross on which he is to be crucified. This did not surprise the Holy Spirit because he already knew the death of our Lord. Seeing that the boy was already exhausted from the many hardships given by his military units, he paid attention to his pain. Although he is weak, the soldiers are rushing and pushing him. He fell, weak, unable to pick himself up. At that moment, Mary’s eyes were full of love and compassion and saw the wounded and bleeding eyes of her son. Their hearts seemed to share the burden; He also feels all the pain that he feels. They know that they can do nothing but believe and trust in God and give their suffering to Him. All you can do is put everything in God’s hands.

Our most sorrowful Mother, help us to bear our own suffering with courage and love, so that we may understand your sorrow and that of Christ. When we do this, let’s honor the God who gave you

Rosary Of The Seven Sorrows Pamphlet