How To Say Thanks In Turkish

By | September 27, 2023

How To Say Thanks In Turkish – You are here: Home / Asia / Turkey / Saying thank you in Turkish: tea, sugar, sleep

Learn to say thank you in Turkish easily. Here’s a very simple trick the locals taught me so I always remember to say thank you in Turkish!

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

I lived and worked in Istanbul for three months during one summer. I had no idea I would be staying this long until I arrived and so many lovely Turks offered to help me.

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One of the first things I learned was, of course, how to say thank you in Turkish. It’s good to learn it in any language, but it’s been a while since I’ve lived and worked here. Also, it is important to learn to say “no thank you” to avoid problems with Turkish men’s attention.

Learning a few words in the native language of the country you are visiting can change the way the locals treat you. How to say thank you in Turkish

, pronounced tesh-e-koor eh-deh-rem. A simple way to remember this is to say “tea, sugar, sleep”. Of course, it’s not exactly the same, but you can use it as a word memory tool.

I was told this by many shopkeepers I met in Sultanahmet, the old city, one of Istanbul’s best neighborhoods. Not only is it similar to the phrase, but it’s also very effective, because in Turkey (or many other parts of the world), drinking tea with the locals is a way to bond.

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It’s the perfect way to say “thank you” and a great way to really reflect on the incredibly welcoming and friendly Turkish people. At first (especially as a woman), you may be surprised that so many Turkish men and shop owners will talk to you, try to sell you carpets, offer you tea, but once you get to know Turkish people, they are incredibly warm, generous and giving. .

Also, it’s good to know that the informal “thank you” is pronounced tesh-eh-koo-lehr. Frankly, it’s just as important to say “no thanks” now

In Turkish, there is a slight difference between sagol and tesekker. Wishing a person a good and healthy life in Sagol has a deeper meaning.

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtful responses to my last post about whether to stay in Istanbul or move on and start traveling again. I’ve been blown away by all the wonderful and heartfelt comments I’ve received – some from old friends from “back then” and others from new friends I’ve met on my recent travels.

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It’s amazing to me that I’m so far away, but so many friends drop what they’re doing to email me to give me honest advice. It brightened my mood wonderfully.

The most I heard was that they were surprised I didn’t make these comments sooner. I think I had them here and there, but not very strong, I just had a lot of time to get lost in my head in Istanbul – a scary and scary place at times!

I try not to think “what will I do when I get home… or what will I do for the rest of my life” right now. It’s not always easy, but I want to live in the moment and that’s what I have to do. I really enjoyed the trip and I laugh when I tell other people about it – so I know it was great.

Instead of going on a “visa” after my three-month tourist visa expires, I’ll say goodbye to Turkey and head north to parts of Eastern Europe, starting with Romania. I love Turkey and could easily stay here… but there are still places I want to see to feel like I’m “done” with my trip.

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I have stayed here longer than anywhere else. I stayed for my entire trip and I really like Istanbul. It is filled with the kindest and most helpful people I have ever met anywhere in the world. The first few days after I left, I was in tears too…because I was surrounded by really good, loving friends who took me through the day at the dump and made me feel good. too. It’s great to always have friends in body and soul even though I’m so far away!

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Lisa Lubin is an acclaimed travel/food writer and photographer, three-time Emmy® Award-winning television producer, video consultant and travel industry expert. After more than a decade on television, she took a year off, which turned into a three-year world tour. He created this blog in 2006. Lisa is also the owner of LLmedia, a media and video consulting business. His writing and photography have been published by American Way, Hemispheres, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, West Jet Magazine, Scandinavian Traveler, Orbitz, and Luxury Las Vegas. His book Ultimate Travel Tips: Essential Advice for Your Adventures is available on Amazon.

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

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In most cultures, it is customary to express gratitude in one way or another. The dictionary defines gratitude as “the quality of being grateful; a willingness to express gratitude and return affection”. A sincere, appreciative response to someone’s actions or words is often the “glue” that binds relationships together. This is true in most societies! doing also shows respect and appreciation for the culture.Words have great power – use them honestly and often!

So how do you say “Thank you” in Turkish? You can easily learn! Below, we bring you the perfect translations and pronunciations as you learn the most common ways Turkish speakers say “Thank you” in different situations.

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Magic words that can bring a smile to every face. For a day you will really understand it when you say these words and see how it lifts your mood!

This expression is appropriate when someone goes out of their way to provide you with good service or courtesy.

Did someone pay you a compliment and make you feel good? That’s kind of him, so show your appreciation!

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

If you have more formal meetings with Turkish speakers, this welcome phrase should be part of your arsenal. If you’re hosting a party, it’s also a good phrase to greet your Turkish guests!

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This is a formal, almost ceremonial way of thanking someone for their attention and sensitivity towards you. It is also suitable for use when a native speaker needs to review something you are teaching, such as a job application, project or proposal. We thank them, in fact, for the time and effort they spent or invested in your presentation.

It’s the same as Thank You, but with added energy and enthusiasm! It means almost the same as “thank you very much” in Turkish. Use this in an informal setting with your Turkish friends or teachers.

Some expressions are praises and express thanks with a conclusion. This is one of them. This is a great phrase to remember if you’re particularly impressed by your teacher!

Any gathering with Turkish speakers, such as a meeting or a party, should have this under its belt! Use it when you’re saying goodbye or closing a meeting. It can be another good way to thank your Turkish teacher for their time.

Sutlac (turkish Rice Pudding)

This phrase is another surefire way to melt the heart of any Turkish teacher, formal or informal! Teaching is not easy and often requires a lot of patience on the part of the teacher. Kudos to him for that! This is also a good phrase to use if you are working in Turkey and want to thank your mentor or employer. You’ll go a long way to being a popular employee – gratitude is the most attractive trait in anyone!

It’s also a fun way to thank your teacher with a compliment. It can make their day!

This is a good phrase to remember when you are the lucky recipient of a gift. Show your respect and

How To Say Thanks In Turkish

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