How Do I Advertise On Bing

By | January 18, 2024

How Do I Advertise On Bing – When most people talk about “paid search advertising,” what they’re really talking about is advertising on the Google Search Network—and for good reason. When you have a question or want to find something, don’t “Bing it” or “Yahoo it,” but “Google it.”

Google controls the majority of the online search market, so when most people think of paid search, they think of Google AdWords.

How Do I Advertise On Bing

How Do I Advertise On Bing

Bing now accounts for about 23% of online search volume, and that percentage is growing. In fact, just to compare the results between the two, I have been using Bing as my primary search engine for the past month, and I must say that there is a good reason why Bing is growing in popularity.

Bing Ads Agency

With all this in mind, now is a good time to try Bing Ads. The platform is easy to use and most importantly there is very little competition. Let’s take a look at what Bing Ads has to offer and how to get started using the platform.

Basically, Bing Ads is Microsoft’s version of Google AdWords. In the same way that Google AdWords lets you run ads on the Google Search Network and Google’s partner networks, Bing Ads lets you show ads on the Bing Search Network and its partner networks (Yahoo and AOL – yes, people still use them). .

Like AdWords text and shopping ads, Bing Ads appear at the top, bottom, or side of a search engine results page (SERP):

Interestingly, even though AdWords removed sidebar ads from their SERPs last year, Bing still offers them for desktop searches. Other than that, though, the basic format is almost identical.

Bing Ads (microsoft Advertising)

The basic advertising styles on AdWords and Bing are also almost identical. You bid on specific keywords that you think Bing users will use, and then when a user performs a search that matches your keywords (“dji drone” in the screenshot above), Bing compares the bids to the quality of competing companies’ ads and decides. which ads will appear in which order on the SERP.

In fact, Bing and AdWords are so similar that Bing has the option to sync all your AdWords campaigns directly with Bing. You can enter them all at once or do all your work in AdWords and let Bing update your Bing Ads campaigns to match them daily, weekly or monthly (note that there are minor differences between AdWords and Bing that you’ll need to look out for, click here for more information).

With all the similarities between Bing Ads and AdWords, let’s take a look at what sets them apart:

How Do I Advertise On Bing

As mentioned earlier, the most obvious difference between Google and Bing is search volume. About 63% of internet searches happen on Google and about 23% happen on Bing. This means that Google text ads get more impressions, clicks, conversions and sales than their Bing Ads counterparts.

Microsoft Advertising (bing Ads) Dashboard For Agencies

On average, a click costs 33-42% less on Bing than on AdWords. This is a big deal, especially in industries with high average cost-per-click (CPC). For example, if you’re a lawyer, advertising on Bing can save you over $100 per click! Ultimately, the exact amount you pay per click on Bing Ads will depend on your business, market, and the keywords you’re trying to target, but between Bing Ads and AdWords, Bing Ads is almost always the best way to do it.

AdWords has about 80% of the search engine market, but all that market share also means a lot of competition. In any market, you can expect half or a third as many competitors to advertise on Bing as you see on AdWords. Less competition means better ad placement and less comparison shopping, which can lead to better results for your business.

As you can see, the biggest difference between Bing Ads and AdWords is search volume. Google has more search terms…which means it’s used more…which means it’s more complete…which means you have to pay more for each click.

Honestly, though, the two are similar enough that you can use both. AdWords may get most of your results, but Bing Ads can help you reach a wider audience and keep your overall costs down.

Bing Ads Vs Google Ads: A Match Made For Success

The only situation where you might not want to try Bing Ads is if you’re targeting a very small niche. If your ads are only getting a few hundred impressions on AdWords, you probably won’t get enough impressions on Bing to make a difference.

Getting started with Bing Ads is very easy. If you already use Google AdWords, you can set up your account and import your AdWords campaigns. Here’s a quick video introduction:

On the other hand, if you’re new to paid search or want to start from scratch with Bing Ads, here’s what you’ll need to do (feel free to click on any of the images below to see a full-size version) :

How Do I Advertise On Bing

Go to Bing Ads and create an account. If you don’t already have a Microsoft account, you’ll need to create one first. If you have a Microsoft account that you want to associate with your Bing Ads account, you can simply enter the email address associated with that account and sign in.

Google Bing Facebook Online Advertising

Once you’re logged in, fill in all the required information (make sure you choose the right location for your business) and select “To manage my own accounts”:

The surprising thing is that once you create your account, the first thing Bing Ads does is ask you if you want to import your Google AdWords campaigns (obviously, they know a lot of people start with AdWords and then expand to using Bing Ads).

However, let’s continue and click on “Create New Campaign”, which brings up completely new options:

Choose a name and language for your campaign, then choose where in the world you want your ads to appear. If your target audience is not everyone in the US/Canada or worldwide, I recommend clicking “Let me select some locations.”

Ultimate Guide To Advertising On Bing

Bing Ads even gives you the ability to target specific areas, so if I wanted to target all of Florida except Sarasota, that’s also an option.

This is important because many companies target everyone in a state, region or country without realizing that they don’t want to pay for clicks in that region. For example, if you’re a dentist working in Tampa, FL, you probably won’t be able to get someone from Sarasota to drive an hour to your office, no matter how good your ad is!

In fact, you may not even be able to find a resident of St. Petersburg to drive across town to your office, so even run ads in the Tampa-St. Petersburg can be a waste of money. So, while being careful about your location settings may not be exactly exciting, it’s worth your time.

How Do I Advertise On Bing

At this point, you’re probably ready to move on to writing your ad. However, your ads are only as good as your targeting, so let’s look at the last major targeting option first: keywords.

Bing Advertising Management

For example, let’s say I run a drone repair shop in Tampa, FL. I want to bring people to my store, so I’m targeting the Tampa-St. Petersburg area. DJI is a big drone brand, so I type “dji drone” into the keyword research tool and get the results you can see above.

It’s important to note that in this case, the Monthly Searches column only shows the number of monthly searches for these keywords that occur in my target area. If you exclude location targeting, monthly searches for the keyword “drone” increase from 740 to 134,000.

Now, someone using the keyword “drone” could be searching for almost anything, so let’s see what we get if we enter a more relevant term like “drone repair”.

As you can see, the first 5 words are similar and even the other 4 words are not important. What that tells me is that there really aren’t any drone repair keyword searches in this area.

Is It Worth Using Microsoft Bing Ads?

With that in mind, I’ll probably need to target more keywords like “drone” or “dji” and then use ad copy to qualify my audience.

See why it is better to do keyword research before you start writing your ads? If you don’t know what kind of keywords and searches your ads will target, it can be very difficult to write an interesting ad.

Once you’ve identified the keywords you want to use (keywords with high purchase/conversion intent and good search volume are always best), click the two arrows to the left of the keyword to add it to your ad group.

How Do I Advertise On Bing

In the future, if you want to do keyword research, you can get the Bing Ads Keyword Planner by clicking “Tools” in the title, but for your first campaign, Bing puts it in front of you, so we’ll take advantage. that’s it for now.

How Microsoft Audience Ads Work

When choosing your keywords, you’ll want to choose a match type

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