What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

By | February 28, 2023

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure – In most cases, the damage caused by high blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) occurs over time. If left untreated or uncontrolled, high blood pressure can cause:

When your blood pressure is too high, it damages your arteries – and LDL (bad) cholesterol builds up in tears in your artery walls. This leads to narrowing of the arteries and increases the load on the circulatory system and reduces its efficiency.

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is over 180/120 mm Hg and you have symptoms of headache, chest pain, nausea/vomiting, or dizziness, call 911 right away. .

Ways Of Lowering Blood Pressure With Lifestyle Adjustments

Also, if your readings are very high and you don’t experience any other symptoms of target organ damage, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, vision changes, or difficulty speaking, see a health care professional right away. . You may experience a hypertensive crisis.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors, including high blood pressure, that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other health problems. You will be diagnosed if you have three risk factors:

Written by an American Association editorial board and reviewed by scientific and medical advisors. See our editorial and staff policies.

Our online community of patients, survivors and caregivers is here to keep you going no matter the obstacles. We’ve been there and we won’t leave you alone. Half of all Americans have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, and many are unaware of their condition. High blood pressure occurs when blood travels through your veins at a higher than normal pressure. Blood pressure is measured in two parts: systolic and diastolic. The pressure exerted by the ventricles as they eject blood from the heart is called systolic pressure. Diastolic pressure is the pressure of the heart between beats when it is full of blood.

High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

Your blood pressure changes throughout the day as a result of your activity. Normal blood pressure for most adults is less than 120/80 mm Hg, which is written as your systolic pressure above your diastolic pressure, which is 120/80 mm Hg. If you have a constant systolic reading of 130 mm Hg or higher or diastolic reading of 80 mm Hg or higher, your blood pressure is considered high.

Your tissues and organs need oxygenated blood that is transported throughout your body through your circulatory system to live and function properly. When the heart beats, it creates pressure that forces blood through a network of tube-like vessels called arteries, veins, and capillaries. This pressure, or blood pressure, is caused by two forces: The first force (systolic pressure) occurs as blood flows out of the heart and into the vessels of the circulatory system. The second force (diastolic pressure) occurs when the heart stops beating.

Blood pressure refers to the measurement of the force or pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. This pressure on the walls of blood vessels is often very strong in people with high blood pressure (hypertension).

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer”. This is because you may not know that there is something wrong with your body, but it is causing harm. Additionally, high blood pressure can exist for years without any symptoms. If this condition is not controlled, it increases the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease or stroke. However, the good news is that high blood pressure can be easily diagnosed.

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High blood pressure is a common condition; About 18% of adult men and 13% of adult women have it but do not receive treatment. In 90-95% of cases, there is no known cause of high blood pressure. However, all available evidence suggests that lifestyle plays an important role in blood pressure regulation.

In addition, for unknown reasons, people from the African Caribbean and South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) have higher blood pressure than other ethnic groups.

Essential hypertension is another name for primary hypertension, the most common form of high blood pressure. It develops slowly and has no known cause. The mechanisms that cause the slow rise in blood pressure are unknown to researchers. However, different combinations of aspects can come into play. These include;

If something changes in the body, you can find problems everywhere. One of these problems can be high blood pressure. Changes in kidney function due to aging, for example, are thought to disrupt the body’s normal salt and fluid balance. Your blood pressure may increase as a result of this transition.

Chest Pressure: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Some people are prone to high blood pressure due to their genetic makeup. It can be due to genetic defects or gene mutations from one or both parents.

Risky lifestyle decisions, such as poor diet or lack of physical activity, can have long-term effects on the body. Weight issues can arise due to such lifestyle decisions. Hypertension is more likely if you are overweight or obese.

High levels of stress can cause high blood pressure in the short term. Stress-related behaviors such as overeating, smoking, or drinking alcohol can cause high blood pressure.

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

This type of high blood pressure usually develops quickly and can be more severe than primary hypertension. Examples of health conditions that can cause secondary hypertension include;

High Blood Pressure And Vascular Disease — Vascular Cures

High blood pressure is often a silent disease. Most people have no signs or symptoms. It doesn’t take years or even decades for symptoms to appear. However, such symptoms can be due to something else.

These signs and symptoms of hypertension require immediate medical attention. Although it doesn’t happen to every person with the disease, waiting for symptoms to appear can be life-threatening.

Getting regular blood pressure checks is the easiest way to detect high blood pressure. At almost every visit, most doctor’s offices routinely check blood pressure.

Blood pressure measurement is necessary only for the diagnosis of hypertension. Blood pressure is usually checked as part of a regular doctor’s visit. If you require a blood pressure measurement at your next visit.

Complications Of Hypertension

If the reading shows that your blood pressure is high, your doctor may order more tests after a few days or weeks. A diagnosis of hypertension is rarely made based on a single reading. The doctor wants to look for signs of long-term problems. This is because your environment, including the stress you experience in the provider’s office, can contribute to high blood pressure. On the other hand, high blood pressure levels usually fluctuate throughout the day.

If your blood pressure is persistently high, your doctor will likely order additional testing to rule out any underlying problems. Some of the tests you can go through include;

These diagnostic tests help doctors identify any secondary conditions that may be contributing to high blood pressure. They also check the effects of high blood pressure on your body parts. At this time, the doctor can start treating hypertension. Remember that early care and management can prevent long-term consequences and various complications of high blood pressure.

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

It refers to the first or upper number. It measures the pressure in the arteries as the heart beats and pumps blood.

Hypertension (high Blood Pressure)

Blood pressure should be above 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) to be considered stable or healthy.

Diastolic number of 80 mm st. systolic is lower, while the systolic number is from 120 to 129 mm Hg. In most cases, doctors do not use drugs to treat high blood pressure. However, they can advise you to make lifestyle changes that will reduce their number.

A blood pressure cuff is used for readings. It is important to have the right cuff for a correct and accurate reading. Readings from an ill-fitting cuff may be unreliable.

For people over 50, systolic blood pressure (the first number) is often highlighted as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Systolic blood pressure increases steadily with age in most people due to increased stiffness of the large arteries, prolonged plaque build-up, and an increase in cardiovascular disease.

Importance Of Getting Your Blood Pressure Checked

High blood pressure can be diagnosed using a high systolic or high diastolic blood pressure reading. According to new research, every 20 mm of systolic or 10 mm of diastolic blood pressure in people aged 40 to 89 doubles the risk of death from coronary heart disease and stroke.

Various factors allow the doctor to determine the most suitable high blood pressure medication and treatment method. Examples of such factors are the type of high blood pressure and the cause or causes.

If your doctor diagnoses primary hypertension, he or she may recommend lowering your blood pressure through lifestyle changes. He or she may suggest medications if lifestyle changes are not enough or if they are no longer effective.

What Are The Symptoms Of Having High Blood Pressure

If the doctor finds any disease that contributes to your hypertension, treatment and

High Blood Pressure Precaution & Control Treatment (infographics) Activ Together

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