What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

By | April 12, 2023

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure – In most cases, damage from high blood pressure (HBP or high blood pressure) occurs over time. If blood pressure is undiagnosed or uncontrolled, high blood pressure can lead to:

When your blood pressure is too high for a long time, it damages your blood vessels – and LDL (bad) cholesterol starts to build up and water in your artery walls. This leads to narrow arteries and increases the workload on your circulatory system while reducing its efficiency.

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure reading exceeds 180/120 mm Hg and you have any symptoms such as headache, chest pain, nausea/vomiting, or dizziness, call 911 immediately. If you have no symptoms, wait five minutes and take your blood pressure again. .

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Also, contact your healthcare provider immediately if your readings are still abnormally high and you have no other signs of target organ damage such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, vision changes, or difficulty speaking. You may experience a high blood pressure crisis.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors, such as high blood pressure, that increase the risk of disease, diabetes, stroke and other health problems. It is diagnosed when you have three of the following risk factors:

Written and reviewed by the American Association of Scientific and Pharmaceutical Advisory Boards. See our editorial and staff policies.

Our online community of patients, survivors and caregivers is here to keep you going, no matter the obstacles. We’ve been there and we won’t let you go alone. Hypoxia is a low level of oxygen in your blood. It causes symptoms such as headache, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat and blue skin. Many heart and lung diseases put you at risk for hypoxia. It can also occur at high altitudes. Hypoxia can be life threatening. If you have symptoms of hypoxia, call 911 or go to the emergency room.

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If you have symptoms of hypoxia, especially if you have a lung or other illness, call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest emergency room.

Hypoxia is when the oxygen level in the blood is lower than normal. If the oxygen level in your blood is too low, your body may not be able to function properly. A person with low blood oxygen is considered hypoxic.

Oxygen enters the blood through the lungs. When you breathe, oxygen from the air passes through your lungs into small air sacs (alveoli). Blood vessels (capillaries) travel near the alveoli and take in the oxygen. Finally, oxygen travels in the blood to the tissues.

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

Hypoxia can happen if you can’t breathe enough oxygen or if the oxygen you breathe doesn’t get into your blood. Air and blood flow are both important to having enough oxygen in the blood. This is why lung disease and heart disease both increase the risk of hypoxia.

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Depending on the severity and duration, hypoxia can lead to mild symptoms or lead to death. Mild symptoms include headache and shortness of breath. In severe cases, the lack of oxygen can interfere with the functioning of the heart and brain. It can lead to a lack of oxygen in the body’s organs and tissues (hypoxia).

Hypoxia can occur for a short period of time leading to “acute” respiratory failure. In situations where it is a chronic problem over months and years, you may hear it called “chronic respiratory failure”.

You may have heard the words hypoxia and hypoxia used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Their names sound similar because they both have small amounts of oxygen, but in different parts of the body.

. Hypoxia can lead to hypoxia, and the two often occur together, but not always. You can be hypoxic but not hypoxic and vice versa.

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Any condition that reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood or restricts blood flow can cause hypoxia. People with heart or lung disease such as heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma are at increased risk of hypoxia. Some infectious diseases, such as influenza, pneumonia, and COVID-19, can also increase the risk of hypoxia.

Hypoxia has many causes, but the most common cause is an underlying disease that affects blood flow or breathing (such as heart or lung disease). Certain medications can slow breathing and lead to hypoxia.

Sleep apnea and mild lung disease can cause nocturnal hypoxia – when blood oxygen levels drop during sleep.

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

Being at high altitude can also cause a lack of oxygen, which is why it can be difficult to breathe when you are in the mountains.

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Heart and lung problems can lead to five categories of conditions that cause hypoxia: ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, impaired perfusion, hypoventilation, low ambient oxygen, and right-to-left shunting.

For oxygen to enter the blood, you need both airflow to the lungs (ventilation) and blood flow to the lungs (perfusion) to absorb the oxygen. If one of these doesn’t work, you end up with enough oxygen in your lungs but too little blood flow to carry it up, or vice versa. This is called ventilation-flow, or V/Q, mismatch. It is usually caused by heart or lung disease.

Even if you have good ventilation and good blood circulation, sometimes it is difficult for the oxygen to go – or diffuse – from the lungs to the blood vessels (diffusion restriction). Reduced circulation can be caused by emphysema, lung scarring, or diseases that reduce blood flow between the heart and lungs.

Dyspnea is when you don’t breathe deeply enough or breathe too slowly. This means that not enough oxygen reaches the lungs. Many lung diseases and some brain diseases can cause hypoventilation.

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If there is not enough oxygen in the air around you to breathe, without it you cannot get the oxygen it needs for your body to work. Higher altitudes have less oxygen in the air than lower altitudes.

Deoxygenated blood enters your heart from the right side, it is pumped out of the lungs for oxygen, and it comes back from the left side to be pumped to the body. In some people, deoxygenated blood can be pushed to the left side of the heart and enter the tissues without first receiving oxygen in the lungs. This is called right-to-left shunting, and it is usually caused by an abnormality in your heart.

To diagnose hypoxia, your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam to listen to your heart and lungs. Abnormalities in these organs can be a sign of low oxygen in the blood. The doctor may also check for blue discoloration of the skin, lips, or nails.

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

Depending on the underlying cause of the hypoxia, medication or other treatments may help increase blood oxygen levels. To help increase oxygen levels, your provider may use “supplemental oxygen” through oxygen tanks or oxygen concentrators. These may be needed continuously or only with effort depending on the severity of the disease.

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If there is a severe lack of oxygen, especially in acute respiratory distress syndrome, health care providers may use a machine that breathes for you (ventilator). If the hypoxia is not reversed, a condition called resistant hypoxia, additional drugs or treatments may be used.

If you experience symptoms such as confusion, shortness of breath, or a rapid heartbeat, or if you notice that your nails, lips, or skin appear blue, you should seek immediate medical attention. You can also check your oxygen level with a pulse oximeter at home. Hypoxia should be treated immediately to prevent organ damage in severe cases.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, and other conditions can cause chronic or intermittent hypoxia with less severe or no symptoms. Talk to your healthcare provider about managing your specific condition to reduce your symptoms and the risk of your oxygen levels getting too low.

If your blood has low oxygen levels, it cannot deliver enough oxygen to your organs and tissues that need it to continue working (hypoxia). This can damage your heart or brain if it persists over time (for example, with nocturnal deprivation caused by sleep apnea). Acute cases of hypoxia can be fatal.

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The best way to reduce the risk of hypoxia is to control any underlying conditions that may reduce blood oxygen levels. If you have lung or heart disease, talk to your health care provider about your concerns and specific ways to reduce your risk.

Even for people without heart or lung disease, certain medications and conditions — such as traveling at higher altitudes — can increase the risk of hypoxia. Ask your provider about any special precautions you need to take when traveling or taking medication. Allow time to safely acclimate to higher altitudes when traveling.

Depending on the cause, people with hypoxia may need treatment once or continuously. Your health care provider will work with you to manage the condition so you can live an active and healthy life.

What Are The Symptoms If You Have High Blood Pressure

Treating any underlying condition is the best way to keep your blood oxygen at a safe level and reduce the risk of hypoxia.

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If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, here are some questions to ask your healthcare provider:

Hypoxia can be a life-threatening condition, but it can be treated with prompt medical attention. It can also occur intermittently without any obvious symptoms – for example at night if you have sleep apnea. This can cause damage to your heart over time, so it’s important to know your risk