Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Economic Development

Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Economic Development – The aim of this study is to investigate which factors of entrepreneurship and innovation affect economic growth under the quadruple helix model contrasting Southern and Northern Europe.

In this study, secondary data are collected for the period 2007 to 2015 for Northern and four Southern European countries from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor database, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the Global Competitiveness Index. Data c. Analyzes were performed with SPSS 22.0 software and several multivariate statistical tests were performed.

Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Economic Development

Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Economic Development

The results show statistically significant differences among the measurement variables of the four quadruple helix models. This means that Northern European countries (Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) exhibit better results on innovation and entrepreneurship than Southern European countries (Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal). The results also show that total household expenditure per capita on R&D is positively related to the government and university dimensions, with significant differences between Southern and Northern European countries.

Theories Of Entrepreneurship: 12 Main Theories Explained

It is hoped that this study will contribute to new evidence on the factors of innovation and entrepreneurship that are decisive for economic growth. In the traditional quadruple helix model, control variables were included to compensate for the endogenous characteristics of countries.

Medeiros, V., Marques, C., Galvão, A.R. and Braga, v. (2020), “Innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of economic growth: differences among European economies based on the quadruple helix model”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 30 no. 5, p. 681-704. Fill out the form and our team will contact you shortly. Thanks for your interest!

Social impact has various definitions, including “a common good”, “joint action for social good”, “engaging people in social campaigns”, “helping/caring for people”, anything that enriches communities. is included The need to promote social impact is illustrated by the concept of donut economics, which recognizes the inextricable relationship between the economy and environmental and social practices. This concept was developed on the understanding that economic theories taught in academic institutions leave out elements of society and nature, making them neither theoretically complete nor meaningful in practice. The donut model shows two circles: the outer circle represents the productive limits of the planet’s productive systems that must not be exceeded by the human economy. The inner circle represents the social foundation that a high-functioning economy must provide to every human being. [1] A sustainable, safe and just environment is central. Social impact has various definitions, including “a common good”, “joint action for social good”, “engaging people in social campaigns”, “helping/caring for people”, anything that enriches communities. is included The most important aspect of creating social impact is to consult and work closely with the direct beneficiaries, as it is often the case that most sincere efforts are misconceived due to cultural differences, lack of knowledge and miscommunication. Maximizing social impact should take into account the local context of beneficiaries as well as the experience of global practices.

The most important aspect of creating social impact is to consult and work closely with the direct beneficiaries, as it is often the case that most sincere efforts are misconceived due to cultural differences, lack of knowledge and miscommunication. Maximizing social impact requires taking into account the local context of beneficiaries and the experience of global practices. Best practice in social work, education, sustainable business and public services. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship (CIE) skills are essential to striving towards social impact at this stage.

The Social Economy

In the VISION project, more than 120 international experts were asked to think about the future of CIE teaching and learning. Transversal skills and growth mindsets were the focus of the discussion, considering CIE skills to enhance positive social impact. However, often CIE is not properly recognized and communicated. Creativity is usually only associated with art and artists; Entrepreneurship – including business; Innovation – including start-ups and technology-driven industries. Yet, society and even educators do not understand the broader meaning of CIE. According to experts, creativity can be applied in various situations of life and is defined as the ability to find multiple solutions to a problem, use simple thinking, accept different points of view, combine and present ideas. can be defined. exercise Innovation is strongly linked to interdisciplinarity and participation in diverse or collaborative social structures of settings and stakeholders. Entrepreneurial skills enable the ability to find and mobilize appropriate resources to transform strategic visions and ideas into products, services, activities, etc. Recently, it has become clear that entrepreneurship education should not be about the principles of business management, but should include them. Practice-based and problem-focused activities, which develop an entrepreneurial mindset to further acquire business-specific skills.

Modern CIE teaching requires innovative learning ecosystems and methods, which differ from classroom-based lectures. The most innovative learning providers look completely different: spaces are open, encouraging collaborative-learning and less formal interactions between students and teachers. A learning space can be almost anywhere – in a company, NGO, community or senior center etc. This broadens the horizons of learners as different stakeholders are involved in learning, as well as developing flexibility and adaptability between learners and facilitators. The last two aspects are important, as future professionals will have to change professions and work dynamics several times during their lives. Therefore, education should focus on teaching critical thinking, the ability to identify, analyze and synthesize relevant information, rather than memorizing specific knowledge from years ago.

Future CIE teaching will focus on personality development (not just specific professional knowledge). Personal skills will include leadership and empathy for research topics, which engage with real problems and focus on practical solutions. Multidisciplinary student teamwork, SDG-orientation, cross-sectoral support, incubation, acceleration and hackathon programs, community-focus, exchange of experience will be the future of higher education. CIE teaching will be characterized by interdisciplinarity and interdisciplinary collaboration. The triple helix model will respond to the needs of future impact makers: civil partnerships, industry, researchers, policy makers and communities. This change will be seen in designing new university programmes, capacity building projects for public authorities and new talent acquisition programs for businesses.

Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Economic Development

Institutions of higher education are no longer just a place of learning. Global, national and local networks of experts and advocates have been built around the world to support social impact education. Entrepreneurial skill development for youth is encouraged through special programs to develop student academic initiatives (such as the Junior Achievement Program) in the school environment. For business-oriented people, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship infrastructure developed in the form of various business centers (such as impact hubs), collaboration spaces, (social) hackathons, business incubators and accelerators, innovation labs (inside or outside academia). has been done In these settings, networking with professionals and experts is of particular importance to find relevant knowledge and development opportunities. Local ambassadors, mentoring and training programs approaches to learning as a form of social impact delivery will become more popular in the coming decades. Also, creating social impact will depend heavily on social entrepreneurship and social innovation support programs, such as Ashoka, Social Impact Awards, Acumen, Changemakers Academy, and many others. Fellowships, mentoring, coaching, continuous learning, peer learning, and connecting learners with practicing entrepreneurs are methods implemented in social impact education.

The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer

Service design, design thinking, intergenerational learning, theory of change, peer leadership, mentoring, coaching, fellowship, and other methods and frameworks demonstrate the ability to enhance community leadership and serve governors and citizen groups. Such needs-based and human-centered designs allow for citizen engagement, participatory budgeting, and supportive collaboration for crowdfunding. Creating community-driven spaces (community parks, cultural centers, etc.) can provide more opportunities for governors, NGOs, entrepreneurs to design creative, needs-based initiatives.

Undoubtedly an upgraded CIE teaching and learning will help create a new society and meet the needs of a new market. Demand for new businesses is expected in terms of social impact. for example,

It is expected to become an important actor in the job market, because the demand for community-based activities will only increase. Under the terms of community organization, community work, activism and community development, community builders mobilize stakeholders and focus on areas such as neighborhood events, festivals, community spaces, interest clubs, social inequality, injustice and disorder. will be responsible , such as large industrial estates, small villages, etc. Another socially oriented future career path that supports social impact design.

Social impact measurement will be as important to organizations as financial measurement in the future, with auditors helping companies and organizations deliver social impact.

Pdf) Social Entrepreneurship And Economic Development In Silicon Valley: A Case Study On The Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network

Century will have to adapt to the changing job market dynamics. Specialized knowledge imparted today may not be useful tomorrow, so the ability to be flexible, adaptable, innovative, creative, entrepreneurial, empathetic needs to be systematically trained. If society prepares well for future visions with sustainability in mind, creating social impact will be the new “black”.

Further research in this area is part of the EU Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance VISION project EAC/A03/2018, application: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA. The project is funded by the European Commission. This publication

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