Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix – Role of Promotion Promotion Communication by marketers that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers of a product with the goal of influencing opinion or eliciting a response. Notes: Effective promotion that informs, persuades and reminds potential buyers of the product is essential for goods and services to survive in the marketplace.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Promotional Strategy Promotional Strategy A Plan for the Best Use of Promotional Elements: Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion Personal Selling Notes: 1. A promotional strategy is a plan for the effective use of promotion. Competitive advantage

Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix Overall Marketing Objectives Marketing Mix Product Placement Promotion Price Target Market Promotion Mix Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion Personal Sales Promotion Plan Notes: As shown in Figure 14.1, the marketing manager determines the objectives of the promotional strategy with regard to the overall objectives of the company’s marketing mix. Using overall objectives, marketers combine the elements of a promotional strategy into a coordinated plan. This plan becomes an integral part of the marketing strategy to reach the target market. The main function of a promotional strategy is to convince target customers that the offered goods and services offer a competitive advantage over the competition.

What Is Promotion Mix?

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Competitive Advantage Unique Features Excellent Service Low Price Prompt Delivery High Quality Product Notes: The primary function of a distributor’s promotional strategy is to convince the target market that the goods and services offered provide a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage is a set of unique features of a company and its products that are perceived as superior to the competition. These features are shown in this slide. Team Discussion/Activity: Discuss which companies and products have a competitive advantage based on the above characteristics.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communication Goals and Objectives of Promotion Inform Remind Persuade Target Audience Notes: Promotion seeks to change behavior and thoughts in some way. It also works to reinforce existing behavior. Promotion has three basic tasks: it can inform the target audience, persuade the target audience or remind the target audience. A marketer will often try to accomplish two or more of these tasks simultaneously.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Goals and Objectives of Promotion Inform Remind Persuade Target Audience PLC Phase: Introduction Growth Start Growth Maturity Notes: The information phase of promotion seeks to convert an existing need into a desire or to stimulate interest in a new product. It is more common in the early stages of the product life cycle. A persuasive promotion is designed to stimulate a purchase or action. It becomes a prime promotional target when the product enters the growth phase of its life cycle. Promotional recall is used to keep the product/brand name in the audience’s mind. It is effective during the maturity cycle. A discussion of each category follows. Discussion/Team Activity: Name the products/brands and discuss their life cycle stage. Categorize the type of promotion (informative, reminder or persuasive) used in the product/brand promotional mix.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Goals and Objectives of Promotion Remind customers that the product may be needed Remind customers where to buy the product Maintain customer awareness Promotion reminder

Reading: The Promotion Mix: The Fourth P

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communication The AIDA Concept An AIDA conceptual model that describes the process of achieving promotional goals in terms of the stages of consumer involvement in the message. Attention Interest Desire Action Notes: The goal of any promotion is to get someone to buy a good or service or do something. A classic model for achieving promotional goals is called the AIDA concept – attention, interest, desire and action – stages of consumer engagement. This model proposes that consumers respond to marketing messages in a cognitive-thought-affective-feeling and conative-action sequence.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications AIDA Concept Action Desire Interest Attention Cognitive (thinking) Affective (feeling) Conative (action) Online: NASCAR Kellogg’s What kind of promotion comes from the relationship between Kellogg’s cereal and NASCAR racing? How successful do you think NASCAR events will be at selling grain? How effective will Kellogg’s promotions be in increasing the number of NASCAR fans?

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Push and Pull Strategies Manufacturer Promotes Wholesaler Retailer Retailer Consumer Retailer Consumer Purchases from PUSH STRATEGY Orders to Manufacturers Request Retail Product from Wholesaler Manufacturer STRATEGY Product PULL STRATEGY Notes: Manufacturers may use aggressive personal and commercial advertising to convince the wholesaler/retailer to carry and sell your goods. This is called a push strategy. The wholesaler in turn moves the goods forward by persuading the retailer to handle the goods. A retailer uses advertising and other forms of promotion to persuade customers to “push” their products. At the other end is the pull strategy, which stimulates consumer demand to gain product distribution. A manufacturer uses a pull strategy by focusing its promotional efforts on end consumers and opinion. The wholesaler then places an order for the “pulled” goods with the manufacturer. Consumer demand pushes the product through the distribution channel. A company usually uses a combination of push and pull strategies. The push and pull strategies are shown schematically in Figure 14.6. Team Discussion/Activity: Discuss products and/or industries that use push and/or pull strategies in their promotional mix.

Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Careful coordination of all promotional messages to ensure message consistency at every touchpoint where the business meets the consumer.

Why Is Promotion Important For A Business?

Fragmentation of the mass market Massive reduction in advertising expenditure in favor of immediate response promotional techniques

Promotion mix Advertising Impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization paid for by a distributor. Notes: Almost every business uses some form of advertising, from a small newspaper ad to a multi-million dollar campaign.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising Media Traditional Advertising Media New Advertising Media Television Radio Newspapers Magazines Books Direct Mail Billboards Traffic Cards Internet Banner Advertising Viral Marketing Email Interactive Video Notes: Media choices are many and fragmented. In addition to traditional advertising media, new methods are used to reach consumers. Internet advertising is increasingly used as a basic element. Banner ads, viral marketing and interactive promotions are ways to reach your target audience. Team Discussion/Activity: Some consumers and legislators believe that consumer privacy is being violated by Internet advertising methods. Discuss this in class. See “Ethics in Marketing” sidebar.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising Advantages Disadvantages Reach a large number of people Low cost of contact Can be micro-targeted Total cost is high National reach is expensive for small businesses Notes: Advertising has the advantage of reaching a large number of people, but it can also be micro -aimed at small groups. Although the cost per advertising contact is low, the total cost of advertising is usually very high. Only financially viable companies can afford to advertise nationally.

The Winnow Consultants And Associates 9 Ps Marketing Mix

Public Relations Public Relations A marketing function that gauges public attitudes, identifies areas within an organization of potential public interest, and implements a program of action to gain public understanding and acceptance. Notes: Many organizations spend significant amounts of money on building a positive public image. Public relations helps an organization communicate with shareholders, customers, suppliers, government, employees, and the community.

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Functions of Public Relations Maintaining a positive image Raising public awareness of company goals Introducing new products to support sales efforts Creating favorable publicity Notes: Public relations is used to maintain a positive image, as are the functions shown in this slide. Nothing sells a product better than free advertising, but advertising should not be considered free. Preparing press releases, organizing events, persuading media workers to print or distribute them costs money. Team Discussion/Activity: Discuss current examples of advertising for organizations.

Sales Promotion Sales Promotion Marketing activities—other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations—that drive consumer purchases and salespeople’s effectiveness. Notes: Sales promotion is generally a short-term tool used to stimulate an immediate increase in demand. Sales promotion serves to increase the effectiveness of other components of the promotional mix, especially advertising and personal selling. Nabisco Online Nabisco lists its promotions on its website. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this technique? What changes, if any, would you suggest?

Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Sales Promotion Free Samples Contests Free Offers Trade Shows Christmas Gifts Coupons Company Employees End Consumers Notes: Sales promotion can be directed at end consumers, business customers, or company employees. A large promotional campaign can use many of the tools shown in this slide along with other elements of the promotional mix. Team Discussion/Activity: Discuss some recent product releases. What sales promotion techniques were used to complement the other components of the marketing mix? What techniques enable effective sales promotion at universities? Professional customers

Twitter Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide (2022)

Personal Selling Personal Selling A planned presentation to one or more potential buyers in order to make a sale. Notes: Personal selling is a buying situation involving personal, paid communication between two people for the purpose of mutual influence.

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