Marketing Definition Of Promotion

By | February 20, 2023

Marketing Definition Of Promotion – Promotion Learning Objectives:  Define promotion  List the activities of the promotion mix  Explain what affects the promotion mix.

Presentation on theme: “Promotion Learning Objectives:  Define promotion  List the activities of the promotional mix  Explain what can affect the promotion mix.”— Presentation transcript:

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

1 Promotion Lesson Objectives:  Define promotion  List the activities of the promotion mix  Explain what can affect the promotion mix.

Promotional Email Examples (+how To Write Your Own!)

2 Starter [2 minutes] List 2-3 brands or items that you recommend to friends on a typical day in your life. Using a small white board, we will spend 2-3 minutes talking about why people recommend products.

3 What is promotion? Promotion is the part of the marketing mix that focuses on persuading people to buy a product or service

4 Why does the company promote?  Inform  Persuade You can distinguish between:  Increase short-term sales  Create long-term sales.

5 2 minutes Activity Write 2-3 promotional activities that the company can do to increase our sales. We will check how many activities the class can come up with.

P’s Of Marketing To Grow Your Business

7 Branding Branding is the process of creating a distinct and lasting identity in the minds of customers

9 Some Answers: Repeat Purchases Retailers are more eager to sell your product Reduce the amount of money spent on advertising (for all businesses) Other products may use the same brand.

10 Persuasive Persuasive advertising is designed to create a particular image, tries to appeal to the customer’s feelings, such as: Our products make you feel better, your life will be better if you buy our products, etc. …

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

11 5 minutes Activity Choose an advertising slogan, try to decipher its meaning, for example: Tesco’s Every small help  We understand your needs and try to help you. Just do it, I like it, it’s the real thing, …

Here’s How The Marketing Process Works

12 Putting the product in front of the customer without input Using classic advertising in sponsored media – events, sports teams … organizing product placement in movies and soap operas, news, etc…

14 Promotions Discounts to attract new customers BOGOF, cash coupons, 15% special etc. Risk: Existing customers can be successfully accumulated if you attract new loyal customers after the campaign ends.

15 Direct sales channel 1 to 1 customer present by phone Cost/prospect is high Works for:  High margin products  Very good target market segment.

16 Product placement for you to display products in the most profitable places in the store Questions and answers:  What is the most profitable place in the store?  What does the store do with these places?

Marketing Definition Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

17 Promotion Mix Sales promotion is the combination of sales promotion methods that a business uses to market its products.

Activity 18 As a group, we can all think for 1 minute, then use our answers to solve B. A. What promotional activities would you use at each stage of the product life cycle? B. How does this relate to the Boston matrix? (Read your definition of promotional mix again…)

20 Factors Affecting Promotion Mix Market Size Adjust Media Channels to Market Size Product Type Professional Product Market Unlike Consumer Product Cost Can Small Businesses Afford TV Advertising?

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

22 Marketing Strategy and Promotion Mix What is your marketing strategy? How does it affect the ad mix?  Launch new products  Create differentiation  Extend life cycle  Increase market share  Build brand

What Is Promotion Mix?

23 4 minutes Activity: Find 1-2 objectives for each promotion strategy:  Example: New product launch (note, reach target group…)

24 Get it right… Businesses need to understand the characteristics of their products, their customers and their competitors. Market research helps in making the right marketing mix decisions.

25 Market Research Market research is the gathering of information about customers and competitors Key Stage: A market segment is a smaller part of a larger market.

26 Market research (2)) Who is likely to buy?  Target audience What makes competing products successful?  Solve those problems in your campaign How does your product attract customers?  Strengthen these characteristics

Functions Of Marketing With Its Meaning And Definition

27 Market research (3)) If you target the wrong market, if you don’t attract new customers,  you waste your marketing budget!

28 CLEAR MARKETING OBJECTIVES… KEY TO ACHIEVING THE RIGHT ADVERTISING MIX Once your promotion strategy and goals are well defined, developing effective advertising is easy!

29 4 minutes Activity: Importance of Promotion Explore why these factors affect the importance of product promotion: – Product life cycle stage – Market competition – Product availability – How easy the product is to distinguish.

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

31 Your Homework Planner: Photocopy or Book p270 Case Study B12 Due Date: Wednesday 10 March

Industrial Marketing System

33 Promotional Learning Objectives:  Define promotion  List the activities of the promotion mix  Explain what can affect the promotion mix.

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To make this website work, we record user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our privacy policy, including our cookie policy. The four P’s are important considerations that must be carefully reviewed and wisely applied in order to successfully market a product or service. They are product, price, location and promotion.

The four P’s are often called the marketing mix. They cover many factors that are considered when marketing a product, including what consumers want, whether the product or service meets or fails to meet those needs, how the product or service is perceived in the world, how it stands out from the competition. , and how the company that makes it interacts with customers.

Product Promotion: Definition, Meaning, Ideas, And Example

Since the introduction of the four Ps in the 1950s, additional Ps have been identified, including people, processes, and physical evidence.

Neil Borden, a professor of advertising at Harvard, popularized the concept of the marketing mix—and the concept that later became known primarily as the four Ps—in the 1950s. His 1964 article “The Concept of the Marketing Mix” showed how companies can use advertising strategies to attract their consumers.

Decades later, the ideas Borden popularized are still being used by companies to advertise their products and services.

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

Borden’s concept has been developed and refined over the years by other key players in the industry. E. Jerome McCarthy, a professor of marketing at Michigan State University, refined the ideas in Borden’s article and called them the “four Ps” of marketing. McCarthy co-wrote a book

The Difference Between Promotional And Transactional Messages

When the concept is introduced, it helps the company break down the physical barriers that can prevent widespread product adoption. Today, the Internet has helped businesses overcome some of these obstacles.

People, Process and Physical Evidence are extensions of the original Four P’s and are relevant to current marketing trends.

Any successful marketing strategy needs to be reviewed periodically. The marketing mix you create is not meant to be static. It should be adjusted and updated as your product grows and your customer base changes.

Creating a marketing campaign starts with understanding the product itself. Who needs it, and why? What does it do that no competitor’s product can do? Maybe it’s something completely new and very interesting in design or function. Consumers have to have it when they see it.

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The marketer’s job is to identify the product and its quality and recommend it to the consumer.

Product identification is critical to its distribution. Marketers must understand the product life cycle and business managers must have a plan to deal with the product at all stages of the life cycle.

The type of product also partly determines how much it will cost, where it should be placed, and how it should be promoted.

Marketing Definition Of Promotion

Many of the most successful products have been the first of their kind. For example, Apple was the first to create a smartphone with a touch screen that could play music, browse the Internet and make phone calls. Apple has reported total iPhone sales in 2022 at US$205.4 billion. In 2021, it has reached the milestone of selling 2 billion iPhones.

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Price is the amount consumers are willing to pay for a product. Marketers must relate price to the true and perceived value of the product, also taking into account supply costs, seasonal discounts, competitive pricing and retail markups.

In some cases, business decision makers may increase the price of a product to make it appear more luxurious or special. Or, they can lower the price so more consumers try it.

Marketers must also determine when and if a discount is appropriate. A discount can attract more customers, but it can also give the impression that the product is less desirable than it is.

UNIQLO, headquartered in Japan, is a leading clothing manufacturer worldwide. Like its competitors Gap and Zara, UNIQLO creates affordable fashion clothing for young shoppers.

Online Marketing Promotion

What makes UNIQLO unique is that its products are innovative and of high quality. it

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