Integrated Advertising Promotion And Marketing Communications Pdf

By | November 29, 2023

Integrated Advertising Promotion And Marketing Communications Pdf – The second edition of this textbook explores the ongoing changes in the advertising, sales and public relations functions of the marketing discipline. Content focuses on emerging technologies as well as digital media and legacy created as readers are guided through the process of creating and implementing a comprehensive integrated marketing communication plan for companies, organizations and brands.

Clear, concise and practical guide to readers through consumer, market and competitor research. Creative ideas; Market segmentation, target customers, and branding. And strategic decisions regarding the timing, placement, and intensity of advertising, promotion, sales, public relations, and branding. This new edition emphasizes the importance of social media, website development, search engine optimization, mobile marketing, branding and retail connectivity. Updated to integrate more digital content with detailed international case studies, this new edition adds four new chapters, including marketing communication objectives, integrated budgets and scale, old media planning, business-to-business marketing strategies and innovative technologies. With topics such as artificial intelligence. Analytical analysis, synthetic media, virtual reality and sound market.

Integrated Advertising Promotion And Marketing Communications Pdf

Integrated Advertising Promotion And Marketing Communications Pdf

Undergraduate and graduate students will appreciate this clear and up-to-date text, as well as business professionals in education and certification programs. The learning experience is provided by assigning chapters and subsequent case studies that weave the entire textbook.

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The second edition is also accompanied by robust online resources, including PowerPoint slides, video, chapter notes, tutorials, classroom exercises, digital flash cards, test banks, teacher guides, and interactive models for integrated marketing communication planning.

Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence Another Digital Transformation for the Future of DOI Marketing: 10.4324 / 9780367443382-1 Learning Objectives Understanding the importance of artificial intelligence for marketing communications, exploring new technologies for advertising, advertising and public relations. Imagine the possibilities of voice production, synthetic media, exploring potential face recognition and virtual reality for social media, considering the impact of the Internet and the many networks of global brands. Despite its innovations, artificial intelligence promises to accelerate this trend and introduce more disruptive business models. And the transformation of digital media. So what is the evolving technology environment for integrated marketing communications? And will it affect how brands and companies interact with existing customers and potential buyers? This chapter begins with a discussion of artificial intelligence and then continues to explore the most important new technologies that define the future. In this section, we briefly review some of the most influential new technologies. Most of these technologies are still in development with many obstacles, challenges and difficulties. Some may fail. And no doubt many more will be added. There will be new approaches, innovations and companies with great successes and catastrophic failures. But it does not matter. One of the major challenges for corporations, small business owners and entrepreneurs is learning how to use these technologies in advertising, public relations and brand communication. Maybe a lot to ask, but why not? There are three ways to prepare for the future: Avoid it, create it, or adapt quickly. So get started! What is artificial intelligence? We begin this lesson by imagining the world of tomorrow. This is the only way to understand exactly what might happen next. By anticipating design expectations and speculation, managers and companies are more prepared for change and even more prepared to adapt when it comes. If we maintain a flexible, open and forward-thinking perspective, our world becomes more fearful and predictable. As we enter the 21st century, many innovative technologies will emerge. They are starting to happen. Some are annoying, while others are just improvements to previous systems. However, technology affects our world, the way we live, and especially the way we communicate with others. Digital media has changed everything in the last 20 years. Remember, 10 years ago there was nothing like an iPhone or Android. And just look at what has happened since the advent of this flagship smartphone, which is actually the computer, the phone and the fraudulent center of our daily lives. We are now embarking on a more powerful and comprehensive phenomenon: artificial intelligence. It is a new word in our dictionary that has a meaning that many people perceive differently. For some, it is about computers that are faster and more powerful than cloud storage and advanced software. But for others, artificial intelligence is a time when machines can think and act like humans. Artificial Intelligence There are many textbooks, video tutorials and white papers on artificial intelligence, as well as a long history of science fiction books, TV shows and movies on the subject. The most recent example is 2001: A Space Odyssey, which vision director Stanley Kubrick introduced to HAL. Without the need for any speakers, the HAL is a sophisticated computer that assists the crew of a spaceship on their first trip to Mars. HAL computers perform various operational functions and complex tasks that include the ability to think independently and make important decisions for astronauts. Ironically, the first film was shot back in 1968, but finally on August 6, 2012, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) took control of a remote-controlled spacecraft. That Curiosity on the surface of Mars. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has ambitions to send humans to Mars by 2026. The spacecraft that will transport them to the Red Planet is the SpaceX Starship, the largest rocket ever at an altitude of nearly 400 feet or 120 meters. Eventually Musk planned to make several flight plans and even establish a colony on Mars with its own laws, government and culture. But who can doubt the man who successfully developed the Tesla electric car? So what is artificial intelligence and why is it important for marketing communications? Let’s start with the original, non-technical definition. Artificial Intelligence is “the interaction of computer hardware, software, operating systems, and interfaces that recreate human function, behavior, capabilities, and communication.” As shown in Figure 1.1, AI has many communication points and ways to communicate with people. As a result, artificial intelligence is already performing many complex tasks and activities, such as facial recognition, speech, speech, emotion detection, physical mobility, and yes, even autonomous decision making. Figure 1.1 Interaction with artificial intelligence. Threats to privacy On a more philosophical level, artificial intelligence is also a threat. First, our privacy is no longer as free and unlimited as it was years ago. Cameras everywhere. They are located in shops, office buildings on the corners, parking lots, restaurants and even in our own homes. Also, almost everyone is walking, talking or looking at the small camera of their smartphone. Second, data about you and others is being collected, analyzed, stored, and in some cases illegally shared with others. And often this personal data is sold to third parties without control or restrictions. This includes search results from our computers, products and services we buy, pets we have, photos we share on social media, and probably what we did last summer. And finally, smart machines in the form of automated robots are displacing people at alarming rates. No one is exempt. Nothing is impossible. Thinking machines can quickly and efficiently perform physical tasks, solve the most complex math problems, design buildings, and even predict our behavior. The pros and cons of artificial intelligence will continue to be discussed with increasing intensity and concern. However, humans have developed hardware, software, systems, processes and interfaces for artificial intelligence. Is it possible that a machine would become an inanimate human replica? This goes beyond science fiction. It may be true in the future. Human-machine communication The machine-human interaction is assumed to be a classical model of two-way communication flow. It is very simple. There is a sender and a recipient. There is no need for questions on this topic. The sender or receiver can be a computer, smartphone, digital device, virtual assistant, digital icon or physical robot. Surprisingly, all kinds of machines speak the same language: binary. It’s surprisingly simple, but deeply complex. It is a language that all computers and electronic devices know and understand, along with instructions on programming and corresponding software. Only two numbers are involved: zero and one. What magic and power do these numbers have! But we are just learning to master artificial language. Let’s take it one step further. What happens when a relationship is a continuous stream involving nanoseconds? Or how can data be processed if it is generated faster than it can be absorbed? Take a look at the process this way. Human-machine interaction has four main parts: questions, explanations, recommendations, and commands. Excited!