How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

By | February 18, 2023

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish – Hello! Do you know how to say numbers in Spanish? In today’s lesson, I will teach you how to count from 1 to 100 in Spanish. Learn numbers in Spanish to talk about your age, phone number, time, money and “How much does it cost?” And even more. Ready?

If one (uno) describes a quantity or is used as an article, it becomes “un” for masculine nouns and “una” for feminine nouns.

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

For numbers 16 through 19, take the rightmost number and say “diez + y + (number)”. E.g. 18 = “diez + y + ocho” = “diez y ocho” which shrinks

Spanish Numbers: How To Count In Spanish

For numbers over twenty, take and paste the number of “tens” (trenta, curenta, etc.) and the number of “ones” (uno, dos, etc.).

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You already know how to say some numbers in Spanish, but have you mastered it? No, we don’t ask you if you have a PhD in mathematics.

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

We would probably agree that numbers are an extremely important part of our lives. Unless it’s part of your job description, you don’t need to do complex math calculations on a regular basis. But we all still use numbers whether you like it or not. We all look at the clock several times a day, go shopping and check the prices of products…

Spanish Numbers: Counting To A Million And Beyond

We all have to come up with something sometimes. We can count our money, how many cartons of milk we have left, how many stairs from the entrance of your house to your room, how many days are left until some special occasion.

We don’t have to be experts, but we all need numbers and we all use them. We understand that they are not the most exciting topic when learning a language, but if we all use them when we speak our mother tongue, why do you think you don’t need them in Spanish?

In today’s article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about using numbers in Spanish, including how to count, write, and pronounce the Spanish numbers 1 through 100!

Let’s start with the basics. Usually one of the first things you learn in Spanish is counting from 0 to 10, so you probably already know that, but we’ll show you it here. (After all, these are some of the most important numbers in learning Spanish!)

Learn Numbers In Japanese: How To Count From 1 100

It’s time to start learning some numbers. As you know, when we get to 16, the numbers begin to fall into a clear pattern, although it may seem confusing at first. That’s why we start by explaining the most difficult one, and then we promise that the next numbers will be extremely easy to understand.

(“Ten and Six”) together. You may notice that it’s not spelled the same way, but that’s for a reason. Let’s analyze these changes step by step:

Now that we’ve seen the hardest part, let’s look at the other numbers higher than 16. Have you noticed that it’s always ten, twenty or thirty?

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

And another number? This is the model we were talking about. In the 10s and 20s these words are spelled together as we have seen before and may show some changes, but when we get to the 30s they start to be spelled separately so it becomes clearer.

Quiz & Worksheet

Think learning numbers up to 1000 is not enough? We are with you. On the other hand, if you think it’s too much for you, don’t worry. Come back when you’re ready.

However, thousands and millions are easier than hundreds because in this case they work the same as in English: number + mil (“thousand”) or million (“million”).

For now, you need to remember one thing: in Spanish, large numbers are separated by dots instead of commas. In the list of numbers below, we will use standard English to avoid confusion, but for example, writing 2, 345, 392, 203 in Spanish would mean 2,345,392,203.

We could go on, but we won’t because we have something more important to say. We apologize in advance as this may be confusing, but unfortunately the American “billion” is not the same as Spanish.

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We’re sure you’re already hoping you won’t list these numbers in Spanish, but here’s a concrete example: In English, you could say there are over 7 billion people in the world. However, in Spanish you would have to say ready

When it comes to ordinal numbers, abbreviations are easier because they don’t change from number to number like they do in English. All you have to do is enter the desired number

For example, in the address, if you want to express that you live on the third floor, in the second apartment, you must write:

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

When typing a phone number in Spanish, there are several different ways to express these numbers. This should come as no surprise as we are sure this is the case in most languages. You can pronounce them with a number, two numbers or three at once. Since we are just getting started, we recommend numbering.

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In Spanish, decimal numbers are expressed with a comma instead of a period, so we don’t write or pronounce 2.7 (two point seven), but 2.7 (

When shopping in Spain, remember that our currency is the euro, as in most European countries. You may notice that in the examples below we always put the € sign after the number. In the examples below, we’ve shown two different ways to express numbers into prices, both of which are equally important.

Which means “with”. To give a literal English translation, such as “two euros for fifty [cents]”. In addition, you have the option to specify the name of the currency, in this case the Euro, or ignore it.

Son €56.78 (cincuenta y seis [con] setenta y ocho or cincuenta y seis euros [con] setenta y ocho [céntimos]).

Spanish Numbers: How To Count From 1

There are some notable differences between telling time in Spanish and English. For example, in the table below, you’ll probably notice that all styles start with

Is an article meaning “the”. More specifically, it is a feminist article. Although the word time isn’t feminine or anything

, meaning “time” is feminine, but when we have to say what time it is in Spanish, we always use the feminine.

How To Say The Numbers In Spanish

Since Spanish is a pro-drop language (meaning we don’t use a subject when we speak), we don’t need to start a sentence with a pronoun like in English (“It’s half past five”). Let’s start with the verb

How To Write The Date In Spanish

In the right combination (don’t be afraid, it’s really easy) or directly with the article we just mentioned, then it’s time.

If you want to learn more about telling time, watch our video lesson How to Tell Time in Spanish.

Note that in Spanish, as in most languages ​​(unlike American English), we express the day first, then the month. Another difference is that we don’t use regular ordinals, although that’s still an option; If we want to mention April 3, we will

As you may have already noticed, as we will see in the examples below, the months and days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized as they are in English. If you don’t already know the months in Spanish, you can find them in our Talking about months in Spanish and other days of the week vocabulary list, Talking about days.

The Ultimate Tip Sheet To Articles In Spanish:

Fortunately, these things don’t change from language to language. Can you imagine that the amounts are different in other languages? There would be chaos. The way we express them, the calculation and the result change.

If you are a big math fan

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