How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

By | August 2, 2023

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How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

Of course, you already know how to say some numbers in Spanish, but have you mastered them? And no, we’re not asking if you have a PhD in math.

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We probably agree that numbers are a very important part of our lives. Most of us don’t have to do complex math on a regular basis unless it’s part of our job description. But we all still use numbers all the time, whether we like it or not. We all look at the clock several times a day, go shopping and check the prices of products…

Sometimes we all have to figure things out. We can count our money, or how many cartons of milk we have left, or how many steps there are from the entrance of the house to the room, or how many days until a special occasion.

We don’t have to be experts, but we all need numbers and we all use them. We understand that this is not the most interesting topic when learning a language, but if we all use it in our mother tongue, what makes you think that you don’t need it in Spanish?

Today’s article will teach you everything you need to know about using numbers in Spanish, including how to count, write, and say Spanish numbers from 1 to 100 and up!

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Let’s start with the basics. Usually one of the first things you learn in Spanish is to count from 0 to 10, so you probably already know that, but we’ll show you anyway. (After all, these are the most important numbers in learning Spanish!)

Time to start learning some more numbers. Just so you know, once we get to 16, the numbers start to follow a clear pattern, even if it may seem confusing at first. That’s why we start by explaining the most difficult one first, and then we promise that the next number will be very easy to understand.

(“ten and six”) put together. You may notice that they are not spelled the same, but there is a reason for that. Let’s analyze this change step by step:

How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

Now that we’ve seen the hardest ones, let’s look at the other numbers higher than 16. You’ve noticed that it’s always ten, twenty or thirty, then

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And other numbers? We are talking about this pattern. With the tens and the twenties, these words are written together, as we have seen before, and they may show some change, but when we reach the thirties, they begin to be written separately, so it becomes clearer.

Do you think learning numbers up to 1000 is not enough? We will help you. But if you think this is too much for you, don’t worry. Come back when you’re ready.

However, thousand and million are easier than hundred, because in this case they work in the same way as in English: number + mil (“thousand”) or millón (“million”).

For now, you only need to remember one thing: in Spanish, large numbers are broken with periods, not commas. In the list of numbers below, we will use the English standard to avoid confusion, but for example 2,345,392,203 would be 2,345,392,203 in Spanish.

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We could go on, but we won’t because we have something more important to say. We apologize in advance because this may be confusing, but unfortunately an American “one billion” is not the same as a Spanish one

We’re sure you wish you didn’t have to refer to that number in Spanish, but here’s a concrete example: In English, you’d say there are over 7 billion people in the world. But in Spanish you have to say it’s over

When talking about serial numbers, writing abbreviations is very easy because they don’t change from number to number like in English. All you have to do is enter the number you want to track

How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

For example, if you want to indicate in the address that you live on the third floor, in the second apartment, you should enter:

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When you enter a phone number in Spanish, you can express the number in several ways. This should not be surprising as we are sure this happens in most languages. You can say them one number at a time, or two numbers at a time, or three. Since we are just getting started, we recommend that you call by number.

In Spanish, decimal numbers are expressed with a comma instead of a period, so not 2.7 (two-point seven), but 2, 7 (

When shopping in Spain, remember that our currency is the Euro, as in most European countries. In the following example, you’ll notice that we always put the € symbol after the number. In the example below, we entered the number in the price in two ways, both of which are equally correct.

, which means “with”. If we wanted to give a literal translation in English, it would be, for example, “two euros with fifty [cents]).” You also have the option to display the name of the currency, which in this case is Euro, or simply ignore it.

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Son €56.78 (cincuenta y seis [con] setenta y ocho or cincuenta y seis euros [con] setenta y ocho [centimos]).

There are some significant differences between the definitions of time in Spanish and English. For example, you may notice that all the terms in the following list begin with this

An article meaning “a.” Specifically, this is the women’s article. It’s not that time is female or anything, not even that word

How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

, which means “time”, is feminine, but when we need to say what time it is in Spanish, we always use the feminine article.

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Because Spanish is a pro-drop language (meaning we don’t use objects when speaking), we don’t have to start sentences with pronouns like we do in English (“It’s half past six”). We can start with the verbs

In the correct conjugation (don’t be afraid, it’s actually easy) or directly with the article just mentioned, followed by the tense.

To learn more about telling time, watch the video lesson Telling Time in Spanish.

Note that in Spanish, like most languages ​​(and unlike American English), we say the day first, then the month. Another difference is that we don’t usually use sequence numbers, although they are still optional; if you want to refer to April 3rd, we say

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As you already know, and as we’ll see in the following examples, months and days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish as they are in English. If you don’t know the month in Spanish yet, you can find it in our Talking about the month Spanish vocabulary list, or in other vocabulary related to the days of the week, in the Talking about the day section.

Fortunately, this does not change from language to language. Can you imagine if the amount is different in another language? That would be chaos. Only the way of expression changes, both the calculation and the result.

If you’re a big math fan and want to learn more math in Spanish, check out the 10 best math Spanish video lessons.

How To Say Large Numbers In Spanish

When learning the language, Spanish numbers are one of the most important topics you need to study and learn. In addition to counting and the other uses mentioned above, you can also use Spanish numbers to learn Spanish pronunciation.

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Now that you know all the numbers in Spanish and how to use them in the most common situations, you’re not going to stop there, are you? If you give us a chance, you can learn a lot more on the website. Check out our lessons, podcasts, articles and vocabulary lists to learn everything you need and more to become fluent in Spanish, the second most spoken language after Chinese.

For more numbers, see our list of Spanish numbers. The numbers are the same in Spain and Mexico, and the only difference is in pronunciation, so feel free to check out the list even if you’re learning Spanish from Spain.

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