How To Say Big In Spanish

By | August 5, 2023

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How To Say Big In Spanish

How To Say Big In Spanish

You probably already know how to say a few numbers in Spanish, but do you know them? And no, we won’t ask you if you have a PhD in mathematics.

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We can probably agree that numbers are an incredibly important part of our lives. Most of us don’t have to deal with complex mathematical calculations on a regular basis unless it’s part of your job responsibilities. But we all still use numbers all the time, like it or not. We all look at the clock several times a day, go shopping and look at the prices of products …

We all need to count sometimes. We can count our money, or how many cartons of milk we have left, or how many steps from your front door to your room, or maybe how many days until a special occasion.

We don’t need to be experts, but we all need numbers and we all use them. We understand that this isn’t the most exciting topic when learning a language, but if we all use them when we speak our native language, why do you think you won’t need them in Spanish?

In today’s article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about using numbers in Spanish, including how to count, write, and say Spanish numbers from 1 to 100 and up!

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Let’s start with the basics. Usually one of the first things you learn in Spanish is to count from 0 to 10, so you might already know this, but we’ll show it here just in case. (After all, these are some of the most important numbers when learning Spanish!)

It’s time to learn more numbers. Just so you know, once we reach the number 16, the numbers begin to follow a clear pattern, although it may seem confusing at first. That’s why we’ll start by explaining the hardest one first, and then promise that the next numbers will be incredibly easy to understand.

(“ten and six”) combined. You may find that this isn’t entirely true, but it happens for a reason. Let’s analyze these changes step by step:

How To Say Big In Spanish

Now that we’ve covered the hardest part, let’s look at the rest of the numbers above 16. Have you noticed that it’s always ten, twenty, or thirty followed by

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And another number? That’s the scheme we talked about. In tens and twenties these words are written together as we saw before and there may be some changes but once we get to thirties they are written separately so it becomes much clearer.

Did you think that learning numbers up to 1000 isn’t enough? We’ve got you covered. On the other hand, if you think this is too much for you, don’t worry. Come back when you’re ready.

However, thousands and millions turned out to be easier than hundreds, because in this case they work the same as in English: number + mil (“thousand”) or millón (“million”).

For now, just remember one thing: in Spanish, large numbers are separated by periods, not commas. In the following list of numbers we use the English standard to avoid confusion, but for example 2,345,392,203 would be written as 2,345,392,203 in Spanish.

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We could go on, but we won’t because we have something more important to tell you. We apologize in advance as this can be misleading, but unfortunately the American “billion” is not the same as the Spanish one.

You’re probably already hoping that you’ll never have to give these numbers in Spanish, but here’s a concrete example: In English you would say that there are over 7 billion people in the world. In Spanish, however, one would have to say that there are more

With ordinal numbers, abbreviations are very easy to write because they don’t change from number to number like in German. All you have to do is write any number and then

How To Say Big In Spanish

For example, if you want to indicate in the address that you live on the third floor in the second apartment, you need to write:

I Love You

When you give a phone number in Spanish, you can express it in a number of ways. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as we’re pretty sure this is the case in most languages. You can say them number by number, or two numbers at the same time, or three. Since we’re just starting out here, we recommend calling this number by number.

In Spanish, decimal numbers are represented by a comma instead of a period, so instead of writing or saying 2,7 (two point seven), we write 2,7 (

When shopping in Spain, remember that our currency is the Euro, like in most European countries. You may notice that in the following examples we always put the € symbol after the number. In the following examples we have also expressed two different ways of representing numbers in prices, and both are equally correct.

, meaning “with”. For example, to give you a literal English translation, it would be “two euros with fifty [cents])”. You also have the option of specifying the name of the currency, in this case the euro, or simply ignoring it.

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Son €56.78 (cincuenta y seis [con] setenta y ocho or cincuenta y seis euros [con] setenta y ocho [centimos]).

There are some notable differences between Spanish and English timestamps. For example, you will probably notice that in the list below, all phrases begin with

Articles meaning “that”. More specifically, it is the feminine article. It’s not that tense is feminine or anything, though the word is

How To Say Big In Spanish

, meaning “time” is feminine, but when we need to say what time it is in Spanish we always use the feminine article.

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Because Spanish is a drag-and-drop language (which means we don’t generally use the subject in conversations), we don’t have to start a sentence with a pronoun like in English (“half-thirty”). We can start with a verb

In its correct conjugation (don’t worry, it’s actually easy) or directly with the article we just mentioned followed by the tense.

If you want to learn more about how to tell the time, watch our video tutorial. How to tell the time in Spanish.

Note that in Spanish, like most languages ​​(and unlike American English), we write the day first, then the month. Another difference is that we don’t typically use sequence numbers, although that’s still an option. if we want to refer to April 3rd, we say

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As you may have already figured out, and as we will see in the following examples, the months and days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish as they are in English. If you don’t already know what months are in Spanish, you can find them in our vocabulary list Speaking of Months in Spanish, and for other vocabulary related to the days of the week, Speaking of Days.

Fortunately, these things don’t change from language to language. Could you imagine if the sums were different in other languages? It would be chaos. What changes is how we express it, both the calculation and the result.

If you are a big math fan and want to learn more about math in Spanish, watch our video lesson “10 Most Popular Math Words in Spanish”.

How To Say Big In Spanish

When learning a language, Spanish numbers are one of the most important subjects to learn and remember. Besides counting and the other uses mentioned above, you can even use Spanish numbers to learn Spanish pronunciation.

How To Say

Now that you know all the numbers in Spanish and how to use them in the most common situations, you’re not going to stop there, are you? You can learn a lot more if you give us a chance. Check out our lessons, podcasts, articles and vocabulary lists to learn everything you need and more to become fluent in Spanish, the second most spoken language after Chinese.

If you want to learn even more numbers, check out our list of Spanish numbers. The numbers are the same in Spain and Mexico and only show the difference in pronunciation, so feel free to check out this list even if you are studying Spanish in Spain.

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