How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

By | March 16, 2023

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook – You are here: Home / Blog / How much is Google Ads? Here’s how to make your budget

In fact, according to Google, the average advertiser earns two dollars for every dollar they spend on its platform. This means that most people double their investments on the platform.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

So how much is Google Ads worth to your business? How much will it really cost to acquire a customer?

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook?

In this article, we’ll look at the latest CPC data for your industry, as well as how to use Google’s own tools to predict your ad spend.

That way, you’ll know what to expect and can start Google Ads with realistic goals and expectations.

Google Ads (formerly AdWords) uses an ad auction model, so there is no fixed price per ad.

Companies create campaigns and what they are willing to pay affects their ad rank (which controls whether their ad wins and is shown) along with relevance and other factors.

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This means that the price of Google Ads is variable depending on how much your competitors are bidding for the keywords, locations and audience you have chosen.

Depending on your industry, location, and competition, keywords can cost as little as a few cents or several hundred dollars.

If you’re targeting competitive keywords with high commercial intent (and high potential value), you’re spending a lot of money. But the possible ROI is also much higher.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

Thus, industries with high customer value and a relatively short sales process have become very competitive in Google Ads.

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Insurance, online education, marketing and advertising, legal services, internet and telecommunications are the most expensive industries, with insurance in first place with an average CPC of $18.57.

Companies in most of these industries typically sell subscription services where the user pays a monthly fee over a long period of time.

Since one customer can be worth so much, it also increases the PPC for Google Ads search.

The statistics below show the combined average CPC from Google Ads, Bing Ads and other SEM platforms by country:

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Switzerland and Norway are the top two most expensive countries with an average paid search CPC of $0.8 and $0.77 per click.

There are also significant differences in CPK across regions, cities, and even neighborhoods within the same country for a reason.

But since these higher CPCs usually reflect increased purchasing power, you shouldn’t avoid them unless you try them and see a negative ROI.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

The combined average of display and search ads shows a unique trend that mobile clicks are cheaper.

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In the first quarter of 2019, the average mobile CPC for a digital ad was $0.42 and a desktop CPC was $0.73.

All of this information should give you a good idea of ​​how much an ad will cost you.

But when you’re trying to answer the question of how much a Google Ads campaign costs, looking at the average isn’t enough.

One of the biggest mistakes when starting a PPC campaign is not doing proper research before jumping in.

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Depending on your industry, you can pay anywhere from a few cents to twenty dollars per click.

To get the most relevant information, you should research the individual keywords that your business is likely to target in your area.

If you’re not sure what keywords to search for, try to think about what people usually search for to find your business.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

For example, do you own a flower shop? If so, people are likely searching for “local flower painting” or “local florist.”

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If you still can’t think of anything, you can also use Google Ads Keyword Planner for free.

You can also insert your homepage or landing page (if you have one) to get key ideas based on your site:

If you have a shipping service, you must set the location to your shipping city, state, or region. For example, we can place it in New York.

The results will show you the average monthly search volume as well as the top page offers.

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If you use your home page to filter, you will get a list of target keywords for the services you offer.

You can see historical monthly search volumes by clicking the tab next to the average search volume number.

Once you have this information at your fingertips, it’s time to choose some keywords that are relevant to your business.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

Just check the box next to your keywords and click the “Add Keywords” button. (The option is set to “Add to plan” by default).

How Much Do Google Ads Cost?

Once you’ve added your keywords, you can instantly calculate your campaign costs by clicking the “Review Plan” link in the sidebar.

Google predicts that for a campaign targeting the five keywords selected above in New York, the average cost per click will be $3.18.

You can take total costs and conversions with a grain of salt because it doesn’t take budget constraints into account.

If you ran this ad campaign throughout the New York area with no budget constraints, you would spend about $21,000 for 390 conversions.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook?

You’ll also want to use some of that budget for retargeting and other platforms, rather than spending it all on one search ad.

Unfortunately, you can’t create money out of thin air, so finding money to spend on Google Ads can be difficult.

And if you don’t want to put money back into your business or take money out of your bank account, it has to come in from somewhere.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

Most importantly, if you don’t have money in your budget and you can’t withdraw money from your bank account, you have a choice:

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The easiest way to audit a Google Ads campaign is to look at the keyword report and find low-performing keywords.

In order to get better profit from your advertising campaign, you should stop these keywords and spend more money on keywords that bring positive profit.

If you are using relevant keywords, you should also add any bad keywords you find as negative keywords.

You can do the same with places. Open the “Locations” tab and switch to the “Geographic report” view.

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From there you can choose how specific you want the breakdown to be, for example limiting the data by country.

You can identify entire states, cities, or neighborhoods that are difficult to convert. (A competitor may be closer, or you may have a bad shipping policy for the location.)

Adjusting bids for these locations or removing them from your campaign can help you spend more where your money makes a difference.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

It’s not always as dry as analyzing a specific number like sales from platform X.

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So if you spend ten hours a week on social media campaigns, even cutting back to five hours can free up a ton of room in your budget.

To calculate this, you need to take your hourly rate and multiply it by the number of hours you spend on the task.

Let’s say your hourly fee or service is $50 and you spend ten hours a week on social media campaigns.

Now you can use that extra time and money to invest in a new platform like Google Ads.

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Another specific way to generate budgets out of thin air is to swap one platform for another.

The trick here is to analyze specific conversion data to see which platforms are taking up too much time and money and having little impact on your overall revenue.

The goal here is to identify where you can cut the most and where you can eliminate wasted budget efforts that don’t make sales.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

If you have not set target values, you can calculate your costs using the average possible value:

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Are the direct labor and costs greater than the average cost of the leads or the gross monthly income of those leads?

The last option is to conduct a quick audit of existing costs in the form of a tool.

Most marketers will have a variety of tools at their disposal: keyword research tools, tracking tools, social planning, and more. There is literally a SaaS tool for everything.

For example, I use dozens of low-cost tools every month: Evernote premium, Mailshake, Slack premium, Moz, and more.

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Now, if I need room in my budget, I can drop a tool like Evernote just because it doesn’t apply to my business. I can bookmark it for free. I just miss some functionality. But if it means spending an extra $50 on Google Ads, it might be worth it.

Try to get rid of unnecessary tools or those that don’t help you convert users into customers and use the extra space to build your Google Ads budget.

Earlier in this article I gave you an example of how much a sample monthly campaign would cost me.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Facebook

Instead, you can target the same keywords but limit your budget and bid low because your budget is limited anyway.

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By focusing on highly relevant ads and landing pages, you can increase sales and results even with a few hundred dollars a month as a budget.

It’s best to start small

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