Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

By | November 30, 2023

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality – Whether you’re moving into an office building or setting up a home office, you can think about the quality of the air in the room. Trees are nature’s air purifiers. By converting CO2 (carbon dioxide) into O2 (oxygen), they improve indoor air quality and reduce environmental pollution. Studies have shown that increasing oxygen can make people more focused, creative, attentive, happier and healthier. Plant-in-plants have been found to increase employee productivity, increase occupancy and rentable vacancies, and reduce employee absenteeism. Hotel rooms with garden views can be booked quickly and command high prices.

Dr. Bill Wolverton, NASA scientist and author of “How to Grow Fresh Air” proved in 1984 that indoor plants clean the air. In 2002, new research confirmed Wolverton’s original findings. More good news: A 2007 study by the Center for Health Design found that using herbs reduces stress, supports pain relief, and promotes an overall sense of well-being. Additional benefits of the study concluded that workers working in a plant-friendly environment did not miss days, were less stressed and had greater job satisfaction, increased positive emotions, and improved problem-solving skills for both men and women. The study also found that plants reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), house diseases, and reduce noise and heat in homes.

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

Plants can help remove toxins from chemicals, tobacco smoke, carpets, cleaners, window foam, paper products, plywood, furniture, adhesives, paints, and dry cleaning chemicals, just to name a few.

Air Purifying Plants: Indoor Air Quality Matters To Your Lungs — Page Magazine

Good care is essential for the idea to work. You need to know who has allergies at home or in the office. Overwatering can lead to mold spores and negate any benefits. Underwatering or overwatering can kill the plant.

In summary, living plants are very important in a “green” plan. Trees clean the air and cool the soil. It’s a natural way to be a relaxing and healthy place, giving you a great recovery for the money you spend.

Tags: Air Quality, Areca Palm, Arrowhead, Bamboo Palm, Chinese Evergreen, Clean Air, Dracaena, Dwarf Pigmy Date, English Ivy, Featured, Ficus Alii, Fresh Air, Gerber Daisy, Golden Pothos, House Plants, Nature’s Indoor Air Quality, Indoor Plants , Indoor View, Indoor View, Lady Palms, Nuts, Peace Lilies, Philodendron, Eco Friendly Plants, Leather Plants, Snake Tree, Zz Tree

Liz Felter, Ph.D., Extension of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida IFAS Central Florida Center for Research and Education, Apopka, Florida. …Don’t be a tree parent just because of the air quality, otherwise you won’t be happy. Huy Phan from Pexels

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Staying at home and being confined at the beginning of the disease caused many adults to get sick. Individuals have been drawn to the care and maintenance of houseplants, which are proven to provide comfort and well-being during this difficult time.

Some researchers have also turned to plants and studied their important role in reducing the spread of COVID-19 indoors. Studies have shown that plants can reduce pollutants and volatile compounds (VOCs) in the air, so it makes sense that they can effectively clean the air. However, this is not the case.

Found that houseplants can remove nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a chemical that “represents pollution levels often found in cities,” said Christian Pfrang, associate professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Birmingham.

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

, grown under controlled conditions. These plants were exposed to high levels of NO2 in a 0.15 cubic meter room, allowing the authors to measure filament removal within an hour. About 47 to 62 percent of the NO2 was removed within an hour, a combined effect of the plant and soil, Pfrang said.

Study: Actually, Potted Plants Don’t Improve Air Quality

Previous studies have shown similar results with different plants and pollutants. For example, a 1989 study led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) found that plants such as

Can remove other volatile organic compounds such as toluene, octane and trichlorethylene. These studies show the role plants can play in reducing indoor air pollution.

Don’t buy more houseplants just yet. While they may perform well in one space, research shows that they don’t exactly perform that way in the real world.

, indoor plants do not improve indoor air quality. While it’s true that plants can remove certain pollutants from the air, as shown in the studies they reviewed, a house or room is very different from an enclosed space, says Bryan Cummings, lead author of the review and a researcher at the Environmental Laboratory. I. Drexel University.

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Even in the context of Pfrang’s study, the amount of NO2 removed by plants at room temperature is highly variable. “The efficiency of the removal process is highly dependent on air quality and room size,” Pfrang said. “In our work, we estimate that five plants in a poorly ventilated room can remove up to 20 percent of NO2 in a very poor environment. Of this, larger rooms will require more plants, and plants in more humid rooms will provide less benefit.

The interior space is much larger than a closed room, and if it is well ventilated, it often connects the air with the exterior. Cummings added that for a very large room, more time is needed to achieve the same level of pollution reduction. Due to the internal and external air exchange, the air can be taken out of the house before the plants reduce the use of harmful substances.

To compare the effects of plants on air quality, the authors reviewed 12 published chamber studies in which plants reduced airborne VOCs and applied their results to measures of air purification. Their findings don’t contradict the studies they reviewed, because they found that plants can clean the air – it’s very ineffective and can’t make a big difference.

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

“Our analysis shows that a bottle removes some VOCs from the air about a thousand or ten thousand times slower than a standard HEPA filter. That’s PM2.5,” Cummings said. “In other words, the impact of a building – or a large group of buildings – on indoor pollution is negligible.”

How Do Houseplants Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?

In theory, if you rely solely on houseplants to improve the air quality of an indoor room, you’ll need an entire greenhouse to provide them. According to Cummings, it takes more than one tree per square meter to make a significant difference. “Cleaning a typical office or bedroom requires hundreds or thousands of plants,” he said. “But even at the low end of that ratio, it hinders the use of the premises.”

Living in a room with lots of plants has its drawbacks. Plants can emit various volatile organic compounds, such as benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, and disrupt the humidity in a room, which can cause mold, he added.

So what’s in it for plants that want to make clean air? Active green walls or air purification systems could be the answer, Pfrang said. However, the best and most sustainable way to improve indoor air quality is to simply open the windows if we are lucky enough to live away from smoke, fog or many pollutants such as highways, electric motors or oil. Cummings said.

“I also recommend a properly sized HEPA filter, which is very effective at removing particles from the air that can carry bacteria, cause asthma or become allergens,” he added.

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You can reduce pollutants in your home by not letting them out at all. According to Cummings, cleaning hard objects with soap and water instead of harsh chemicals, avoiding burning perfumes or essential oils, and using an electric or electronic furnace instead of gas are all ways to reduce contamination in the space.

“It’s as good and sustainable as opening the window,” he said. Medical Review: Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N. , IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT – By Ellen Riley – Updated September 18, 2018

Living in a modern home can have unexpected consequences. One such effect is reduced ventilation. Inadequate airflow can lead to indoor air pollution and health problems such as asthma or hay fever.

Do Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality

In fact, modern furniture, building materials, and even your own carpet may contain more chemicals than expected. These chemicals can be responsible for up to 90 percent of indoor air pollution.

Best Indoor House Plants 2022: From Patch Plants, Bloom & Wild And More

In 1989, NASA discovered that plants can absorb harmful toxins from the air, especially in airless spaces. This research became the basis for new research on houseplants and their ability to purify the air. Although plants use less horsepower than air purifiers, they are more natural, affordable and therapeutic.

NASA recommends two or three plants in 8- to 10-inch pots for every 100 square feet. Some plants are better at removing certain chemicals than others. Household chemicals come from objects and materials such as:

You may want to reconsider air freshener plants if you have such pets