Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

By | August 5, 2023

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An advert for an alcohol brand on Ellie Goulding’s Facebook page has been banned after the singer claimed the drink was low in calories and had no sugar.

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

The pop star, who is the founder and co-owner of Served Drinks, posted two ads for the sparkling water on Facebook in February, the first of which read: “If you’re like me, you like to drink and enjoy active drinks. way of life. The sweetest sparkling water is the best of both worlds. “

Alcohol Brands Boycott Facebook Advertising

Second: “Guys, you know I like drinks, but I also care about my well-being. Since I found my alcoholic soda, I will never go back!”

Goulding captioned her video: “Even though I talk about a lot of things on social media, I like to drink, but I also care about my health… So I want to tell you about my new drink called Served. So, my new drink, Served, is hard seltzer, which has 57 calories…”

Exclusive email from Service Drinks, seen on January 18: “Forget Dry January… Is Dry January getting drier? You can drink without leaving your stomach! With only 57 calories, 0g of sugar and four percent ABV, our drink is the perfect choice for guilt-free drinking. “

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received 21 complaints about the brand’s ads, including calorie and sugar content, unauthorized nutrition claims for alcoholic drinks and concerns about Goulding’s wellbeing while enjoying an active lifestyle. is a general health claim that is also not allowed.

Social Media Has The Same Downsides As Alcohol

Some people say that alcohol can be indispensable in email advertising and can help people overcome boredom by encouraging them to break Dry January.

Drinks Served said it understands that advertisers are allowed to provide factual information about the nutritional content of their products, including calorie content, but does not suggest that the low calorie content of drinks has any particular beneficial effect.

They said the posts on Goulding’s Facebook page are intended to reflect her lifestyle and what is important to her and should not be interpreted in relation to the product itself and therefore do not make general health claims.

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

The ASA said: “We concluded that we were in breach of the Code because the communication claimed that the food was low in calories and contained no sugar, which is not permitted in nutrition claims for alcohol products.”

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It ruled that the three ads would no longer appear in their current form, saying: “We are not suggesting that service drinks do not make health claims about alcohol or nutritional claims that are not warranted, or that alcohol ads will overcome boredom.”

Drinks served: “We are committed to responsible advertising and work closely with organizations such as CAP (Committee on Communications Practice) to develop campaign materials.

“While we are disappointed that the complaint was partially upheld, we respect the ASA’s decision. All ads have been removed immediately and will not be displayed again.”

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This is due to the impact of alcohol advertising, as young people are exposed to more than $100 million in alcohol advertising each year through television, radio, billboards and social media.

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

Advertisements associate attractive images of alcohol with good times, good feelings, friendship and success and can be harmful because young people do not understand advertising manipulation when they see it.

Facebook Really Wants You To Advertise

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have given alcohol companies new ways to target young people with low costs, regulations or effective mechanisms to verify that users are of legal age.

Alcohol advertising in Australia is self-regulated and voluntary. This means that alcohol companies are responsible for ensuring that their advertising code is not breached.

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) has identified dozens of violations of the alcohol industry’s voluntary advertising code on the Facebook pages of popular alcohol brands.

Much of the Facebook content features under-25s drinking, indicates heavy episodic drinking, contains profanity and associates alcohol with social success, good mood and good times.

Pdf) An Investigation Of Strategies Used In Alcohol Brand Marketing And Alcohol Related Health Promotion On Facebook

This is difficult because the prevalence of episodic drinking among youth is associated with increased alcohol use and alcohol-related problems.

Consider the different ways the alcohol industry tries to advertise to young people to see how social media advertising can influence their drinking behavior or attitudes.

You can report any posts you find offensive or inappropriate, including alcohol-related images, videos or words that meet the criteria above. See below for steps you can follow to report a post:

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

If you see an ad or promotion from an alcohol brand that you believe violates the advertising code, file a formal complaint with ABAC (Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code) and the Alcohol Advertising Review Board (AARB). Over the last year, researchers at Instagram have been worried. The results of the internal study are the program’s impact on young women. “Thirty-two percent of teenage girls say Instagram makes them feel worse when they feel bad about their bodies,” the authors reported in The Wall Street Journal. “They often feel ‘addicted’ and know what they’re watching is bad for their mental health, but they can’t stop themselves.”

Ellie Goulding Facebook Posts For Alcohol Brand Banned

This is not a new revelation. Facebook, which owns Instagram, has been studying the app’s impact on its users for years and continues to get similar results. “We’re making body image more challenging for one in three teenage girls,” said a slide from a 2019 presentation. Teens struggling with mental health say Instagram makes it worse. “

Not all findings are negative. While many Instagram users report that Instagram is compulsive but depressing, many teens who know its dark side say they find the app fun and useful.

So, according to Instagram, a fair summary of Instagram might be: Here’s a fun product that millions of people love; dangerous in large doses; this makes many minorities more anxious, more depressed, and feel worse about their bodies; and that many people struggle to use in moderation.

How does that sound to you? In my opinion, it is a product that, like alcohol, can be exhilarating but depressing, a popular experience that mixes short-term euphoria with long-term regret, a product that causes painful behavior and even addiction among a significant minority. Social media seems to offer a heady cocktail of dopamine, distraction and, for some, addiction. Call it “be careful with alcohol”.

Alcohol Advertising, Social Media And Young People

I don’t spend a lot of time on Instagram myself, but I love Twitter as much as I love wine and whiskey for reflection. Other similarities are simple; some people compare social media to junk food, but ultra-processed foods have few usable health properties compared to natural alternatives. I have a more complicated relationship with Twitter. It makes my life better and more interesting. It connects me with writers and thinkers that I wouldn’t have been able to reach otherwise. But some days I’ll get distracted by gotchas, pirates, and pointless arguments, and I’ll really regret how I spent my time… only to reopen the app a few minutes later, that regret disappears when I dive in and I thumb , without thinking, reached for the familiar blue icon on my phone.

Over the past decade, writers have tried to fit Facebook into a variety of similar boxes. Facebook is like a global railroad; or not, it resembles a town square; or maybe it’s like a transnational government; instead, it’s a cable TV set, or a newspaper, or cable TV.

Each of these has real value. Facebook’s ability to connect previously unconnected groups of people with information and commerce makes it truly the railroad of the 21st century. The fact that hundreds of millions of people get their news from Facebook makes it a global newspaper. But none of these metaphors fully capture the full mosaic of Facebook or other social media platforms. In particular, none of them touch on what social media is doing to the minds of the young people who use it the most.

Can You Advertise Alcohol On Facebook

“People compare social media to nicotine,” longtime Facebook employee Andrew Bosworth wrote in a comprehensive 2019 memo about the company’s internal systems. “I think it’s offensive, not me

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