What Are The Risks Of Back Surgery

By | February 9, 2023

What Are The Risks Of Back Surgery – Different approaches to the treatment of scoliosis give different results. When it comes to scoliosis, people can choose between a surgical or non-surgical approach. While each patient and condition will respond differently, there are some serious potential side effects of scoliosis surgery, both short-term and long-term, that people should be aware of. Surgery for scoliosis involves fusing the most tilted vertebrae of the spine into one solid bone to prevent further progression, not to correct the abnormal curvature of the spine. Side effects of scoliosis surgery can include pain, loss of flexibility, decreased range of motion, psychological effects, and more. The fusion process is costly, invasive, and risky. Before we move on to the treatment path leading to scoliosis surgery and some of the potential short and long term side effects, let’s discuss the important features of the condition that help inform treatment plans. Table of Contents 1 Understanding Scoliosis Progression Conventional Scoliosis Treatment Approach Spinal Fusion Surgery Scoliosis Surgery Side Effects Conclusion Understanding Scoliosis When a person develops scoliosis, it means they have an abnormal curvature of the spine. While the spine has natural and healthy curves that give it extra strength and flexibility, these curves can be replaced by unhealthy curves. If an abnormal curvature of the spine develops and scoliosis is diagnosed, this means that the curvature has a certain degree and is associated with rotation. Part of the diagnostic and evaluation process includes scoliosis x-rays, and the x-ray results, along with the results of my physical exam, tell me everything I need to know about the patient’s condition in order to create an effective and personalized treatment. plan. The most important information obtained from an x-ray is the patient’s Cobb angle. The Cobb angle is measured from the tops and bottoms of the most curved vertebrae (bones of the spine). Intersecting lines form an angle measured in degrees. The Cobb angle is important not only because it tells us how much the scoliotic spine is misaligned, but also because it allows us to classify the condition on a scale of severity. Mild scoliosis: Cobb angle measurement between 10 and 25 degrees. moderate scoliosis. : Cobb angle measurement between 25 and 40 degrees. Severe scoliosis: Cobb angle measurement of 40+ degrees. Very severe scoliosis: Cobb angle measurement of 80+ degrees. noticeable symptoms such as changes in body position and pain, although pain is a much more common part of the experience of adults with scoliosis. Progression Another key feature of scoliosis that is important for patients and families to understand is “progression”. Scoliosis is a progressive disease of the spine, which means that its nature worsens over time, especially if left untreated. Age is another important characteristic of the disease. As mentioned, pain is a normal part of life for adults with scoliosis, but is rarely a sign of scoliosis in children and adolescents; this is determined by the maturity of the skeleton. In adults that no longer grow, their spines have sagged due to maturity and gravity, leaving them vulnerable to contraction caused by the abnormal curvature. This pressure force can be felt throughout the spine and surrounding muscles, vessels and nerves. Compression causes pressure and pain, but in children and adolescents who are still growing, prolonged spinal movements counteract compression, so scoliosis usually does not cause pain in young adults. Age is also important because it is a key variable in relation to progress. Currently, in terms of the prevalence of the condition, the most common age of diagnosis is between 10 and 18 years of age, as is juvenile idiopathic scoliosis; this form accounts for 80 percent of known diagnosed cases. The remaining 20 percent are various forms with known causes such as neuromuscular, congenital, degenerative and traumatic. Since scoliosis is progressive, an important component of treatment and a determining factor in its effectiveness is how it affects a key element of progression. While there is no exact way we can 100% predict the rate of disease progression in a patient, we do know that growth is their number one driving force. In adults, progression still occurs but tends to be slower, at least until the degenerative effects of aging become apparent. Adolescents entering puberty have rapid and unpredictable growth spurts ahead, making them at high risk of going through the stage quickly. The reason I have spent so much time discussing the key features of the condition is that they shed light on the healing process in terms of its ultimate goal. As mentioned earlier, different treatment approaches produce different results. This is mainly because every form of treatment has an end goal that becomes the guiding force in how that treatment plan is developed and implemented. In the surgical treatment of scoliosis, the end goal is not correction, as in my function-centered approach to chiropractic; The ultimate goal and driving force behind the traditional approach to scoliosis treatment is to slow/stop the progression. The Traditional Approach to Scoliosis Treatment When a person newly diagnosed with scoliosis is faced with the choice of which treatment approach to take, this is a crucial fork in their path to scoliosis. Patients can choose from two main approaches: surgical and non-surgical. While the traditional approach has been around for almost as long as the state itself, that doesn’t mean it can’t be challenged or improved upon. What we have learned about scoliosis over the years is that because there is more than one treatment option, there are many treatment outcomes. As already mentioned, progression control is the driving force behind the traditional approach to scoliosis treatment and scoliosis surgery. This is not to say that progression management is not an equally important component of the approach I propose here at the Scoliosis Reduction Center, but it is managed differently because my approach has a different end goal: correction and functioning. Before we talk more about the different outcomes offered with surgical and non-surgical treatment approaches, let’s make sure there is a clear understanding of what the actual scoliosis surgery procedure entails. Spinal fusion surgery The fusion process is lengthy and invasive, like many surgical procedures, and since even the simplest surgery involves risks, spinal fusion is no exception. Spinal fusion can cause serious side effects in both the short and long term. For those scoliosis patients who are on the traditional path of treatment, the first step, often while the condition is still mild, is to watch and wait to see if the patient’s scoliosis is progressing; My problem with watching and waiting at this stage is that it wastes precious healing time. Also, since scoliosis is progressive, we already know that virtually every case will progress at some point, and it is much easier and less difficult to treat a small curve while it is still small, has not yet progressed in severity, and the body is not yet managed to correct his presence. When observation and anticipation reveal progression beyond surgery, the active form of treatment offered by the conventional approach is restorative therapy. While braces certainly have their place in the treatment of scoliosis, the traditional braces used have not evolved to account for what we have learned about this condition over the years. In addition, the Boston and Milwaukee prostheses most commonly used in this approach, again, do not have the ultimate goal of correction, and this is reflected in their design. The goal of conventional fixation of scoliosis is to slow/stop the progression, rather than actually correcting the abnormal curvature by removing its underlying structural nature. What are the long-term consequences of a spinal fusion? Watch this video on YouTube

Although there are different types of surgeries, scoliosis surgery usually involves fusing the most tilted vertebrae of the curvature together into one solid bone, and equipment (rods and screws) is attached to the spine to hold the spine in place while it continues to heal. and treat for several months after surgery. Depending on the part of the spine that has fused, the procedure may also include removal of the intervertebral discs in that area. Intervertebral discs play an important role in providing flexibility, strength, structure, and maintaining healthy curves in the spine. Since the individual vertebrae are fused together, this eliminates movement in that part of the spine, which solves the problem of curvature progression: fusing the spine and supporting equipment to maintain this position. So the curvature is not actually corrected, but rather “held” in a corrective position, which are two very different things, each offering very different outcomes for patients in terms of spinal function and future quality of life. Side Effects of Scoliosis Surgery With any type of surgery, there will be potential risks and side effects. Short-term side effects are usually those that are directly related to surgery/recovery and are temporary; long-term side effects are those that may develop over time and tend to be more permanent.

What Are The Risks Of Back Surgery

What Are The Risks Of Back Surgery

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