What Are The Functions Of Bladder

By | February 6, 2024

What Are The Functions Of Bladder – The bladder is a hollow, collapsible muscular sac that stores and discharges urine into the pelvic cavity behind the pubic symphysis. Same with men

Directly in front of the rectum; In women, it is anterior to the vagina and below the uterus (see Figure 1). Folds of peritoneum hold the bladder in place. When slightly distended due to the accumulation of urine, the bladder is spherical. When empty, it collapses. As the volume of urine increases, it becomes pear-shaped and rises into the abdominal cavity.

What Are The Functions Of Bladder

What Are The Functions Of Bladder

Bladder capacity is 700-800 ml on average. In women it is smaller because the uterus occupies the space above the bladder.

Air Bladder Functions.pptx

At the base of the bladder is a small triangular area called the trigone. At the two posterior corners of the triangle are two urethral openings; The opening into the urethra, the internal urethral orifice, is at the anterior corner (see Figure 2). Because its mucous membrane is firmly attached to the muscle, the triangle has a smooth appearance. Three layers make up the bladder wall. Deeper is the mucous membrane, which is composed of interstitial epithelium and a basal lamina propria similar to that of the ureters. Allows the interstitial epithelium to stretch. Rugae (folds in the mucous membrane) are present to allow expansion of the bladder. Surrounding the mucosa is the median tendon, also known as the detrusor muscle (to push down),

It consists of three layers of smooth muscle fibers: inner longitudinal, middle circular and outer longitudinal layers. Around the opening to the urethra, circular fibers form the internal urethral loop; Inferior to it is the external urethral sphincter, which consists of skeletal muscles and is a modification of the deep muscles of the perineum. The most superficial coat of the bladder on the posterior and lower surface is the adventitia, a layer of areolar connective tissue that is continuous with the ureters. On the upper surface of the bladder is a layer of visceral peritoneum called serosa.

The discharge of urine from the bladder is also known as voiding or urinating. Urination occurs through a combination of voluntary and involuntary muscle contractions. When the volume of urine in the bladder exceeds 200-400 ml, the pressure in the bladder increases significantly and the extended receptors in its wall send nerve impulses to the spinal cord. These impulses are transmitted to the micturition center in the sacral spinal cord segments S2 and S3 and trigger a spinal reflex called the micturition reflex. In this reflex arc, parasympathetic impulses are transmitted from the micturition center to the bladder wall and internal urethral circulation.

Nerve impulses cause contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter muscle. At the same time, the urethral core inhibits somatic motor neurons that innervate the skeletal muscles of the external urethral sphincter. During the contraction of the bladder wall and the relaxation of the sphincters, urination occurs. Bladder filling causes a feeling of fullness, which initiates a conscious desire to urinate before the micturition reflex actually occurs. Although emptying the bladder is a reflex, we learn to start and stop it voluntarily at an early age.

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By learning the external urethral sphincter muscle and some muscles of the pelvic floor, the cerebral cortex can initiate the bladder or delay its initiation for a certain period of time.

Urinary incontinence is the loss of the bladder, resulting in the involuntary leakage of urine from the body.

. For example, a man may feel a strong, sudden need or urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine.

What Are The Functions Of Bladder

Urinary incontinence can be mildly bothersome or completely debilitating. For some men, the risk of embarrassment prevents them from enjoying many activities, including exercise, and causes distress. When people are inactive, they increase their chances of developing obesity and other health problems like diabetes.

Give The Function Of Urinary Bladder

Between 11 and 34 percent of older men develop urinary incontinence. Two to 11 percent of older men report daily urinary incontinence

. Although more women than men develop urinary incontinence, a man’s chance of developing urinary incontinence increases with age because he is more likely to develop prostate problems as he ages. Men are less likely to talk to a healthcare professional about urinary incontinence, so male urinary incontinence is more common than statistics show. Discussing urinary incontinence with a healthcare professional is the first step to solving this treatable problem.

Urinary incontinence in men occurs when the brain doesn’t signal the bladder properly, the sphincter muscles don’t squeeze enough, or both. The bladder muscle may contract too much or not enough because of a problem with the muscle or the nerves that control the bladder muscle. Damage to the sphincter muscles or the nerves that control these muscles can impair sphincter function. These problems can range from simple to complex.

Urinary incontinence is not a disease. Rather, it may be a symptom of some condition or the result of certain events in a man’s life. Conditions or events that can increase a man’s chance of developing urinary incontinence include:

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Urge incontinence occurs when a man urinates involuntarily after a strong urge or urge to urinate. Involuntary bladder contractions are a common cause of stress incontinence. Abnormal nerve signals can cause these bladder contractions.

Triggers for men with urge incontinence include drinking a small amount of water, touching water, hearing running water, or being in a cool environment—even for a short time—such as reaching into the freezer at the grocery store. Anxiety or certain fluids, medications, or medical conditions can make urge incontinence worse.

The following conditions can damage the spinal cord, brain, bladder, or sphincter nerves or cause involuntary bladder contractions that can lead to severe incontinence:

What Are The Functions Of Bladder

Urge incontinence is the main symptom of an overactive bladder. An overactive bladder occurs when abnormal nerves send signals to the bladder at the wrong time, causing its muscles to tighten without enough warning time to go to the toilet.

Definition Of Urethra

Stress incontinence results from movements that put pressure on the bladder and cause urine to leak, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activity. In men, stress incontinence can occur:

Functional incontinence occurs when a physical disability, external obstructions, or problems with thinking or communicating prevent a person from reaching the point of urination in a timely manner. For example, a man with Alzheimer’s disease may not plan a quick trip to the bathroom. A person in a wheelchair may have difficulty getting to the toilet in time. Arthritis – pain and swelling in the joints – can make it difficult for a man to go to the bathroom quickly or unbutton his pants in time.

When the bladder does not empty properly, excess urine leaks out and causes incontinence. Weak bladder muscles or a blocked urethra can cause this type of incontinence. Nerve damage from diabetes or other diseases can lead to weak bladder muscles; Tumors and urinary stones can block the urethra. Men with urge incontinence may need to urinate frequently, but only pass urine or have a constant dribbling of urine.

Temporary incontinence is urinary incontinence that lasts for a short period of time. Temporary incontinence is usually a side effect of certain medications, drugs or temporary conditions:

Section 1: Functions Of The Urinary System

Men should tell a health professional such as a family doctor, a nurse practitioner, a doctor or a urologist — a doctor who specializes in urinary problems — that they have urinary incontinence, even if they feel uncomfortable. To diagnose urinary incontinence, the healthcare professional:

Taking a medical history can help a healthcare professional diagnose urinary incontinence. He or she will ask the patient or caregiver to provide a medical history, a review of symptoms, a description of dietary habits, and a list of medications and drugs the patient is taking and over-the-counter medications. Health care workers will ask about current and past medical conditions.

Health workers will also ask for the person’s urine and urine leakage. A man may want to keep a bladder diary several days in advance to prepare for a visit with a healthcare professional. Information a man should record in a bladder diary includes:

What Are The Functions Of Bladder

The health care professional may also ask about other lower urinary tract symptoms that may indicate a prostate problem:

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A physical exam can help diagnose urinary incontinence. A health care professional will perform a physical exam to look for signs of medical conditions that may cause urinary incontinence. If necessary, health care workers may order additional neurological tests.

Digital rectal examination. Healthcare workers may also perform a digital rectal exam. A digital rectal exam is a physical examination of the prostate and rectum. To perform the test, the health care professional places the man hunched over a table or lying on his side, holding his knees to his chest. Healthcare workers slide a gloved, lubricated finger into the patient’s rectum and feel the part of the prostate in front of the rectum. The

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