How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary – When beginning the Sorrowful Rosary, after the Sign of the Cross, we do not recite the “Credo,” but immediately pray the following prayer:

O my God, I give you this Rosary in honor of the seven great sorrows of Mary, for your greatest glory, for the conversion of me and everyone, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our salvation and our main way to you. in communion with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen!

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

O my God, I am very sorry that I offended you because you are infinitely kind, infinitely kind, you hate sin. I will make a strong decision, with the help of your holy grace, I will not offend you, if you repent. In this state of repentance, I want to live and die. Amen!

Change Your Life With The Seven Sorrows Of Our Lady

In the sorrow of the Virgin Mary we see a sign of the suffering and sorrow of the human Christ. As Mary received the full mystery of Christ in her life, so we see in our sorrow, our fear and humiliation, a small but real in his passion and death, we remember, if we want to follow him, we must follow him . “Take up our cross” every day. We pray to accept the call of Christ, and to be his friends.

Grief sharp as a sword will pierce Maryam’s heart because of her childhood. Mary was in the Temple, she came with Joseph to present the child to God. They met Simon, a holy man, and Anna, a prophetess. Simeon took the Baby in his arms, saying that now he will die in peace because he will see the Messiah, then he prophesied the sorrow to come.

I mourn for you, Mary, the most sorrowful, in a tender heart for the prophecy of the saint and the old Simon. O Mother, in your narrow heart, find for me beautiful humility and the gift of pure fear of God.

(Seventh Mary: Greet Mary, full of grace, God is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed are the children of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for we sinners, now and forever ours. die. Amen)

Learn To Pray The Chaplet Of The Seven Sorrows

Soon the sword of grief fell. King Herod tried to kill the boy. When an angel warned him while he was sleeping, Joseph took Jesus and his mother Mary and left for Egypt, where they lived in darkness and poverty until they returned to Nazareth.

I mourn for you, dear Mary, in the sorrow of your dear heart during your journey to Egypt and your stay there. O Mother, in your heart and sadness, find me good qualities of generosity, especially to the poor, and the gift of piety.

(Seventh Mary: Greet Mary, full of grace, God is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed are the children of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for we sinners, now and forever our death.

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

When Jesus was twelve years old, he was taken to Jerusalem for the Passover. On the journey Joseph and Mair saw at the end of the first day that Jesus was not with them. They frantically searched for him. No one on the street, not even a beggar, could tell them where he was. Then on the third day they found him in the temple.

Rosary Workshop: Rosary

I mourn for you, Mary in sorrow, in sorrow who face your heart that is troubled by the loss of your beloved Jesus. O Mother, in your heart full of sadness, find me the virtues of chastity and the gift of knowledge.

Mary knew fear and sorrow, but no one was too proud to see her beloved Son stumbling under the weight of the cross. She hears the shouts of the people and is powerless to help them. There was compassion and love in her eyes as she looked at his bloodied face. To many around her He was no more than a criminal, and her heart was broken as she followed Him to Calvary or Golgotha.

I mourn for you, dear Mary, in the sorrow of your heart when you met Jesus as he carried his cross. O Mother, in your heart and sadness, find the goodness of patience and bravery.

With John, Mary is standing at the foot of the Cross. Simon said to her, “The sword will pierce you.” Indeed, her heart was filled with sadness. Her beloved son has died and she shares his suffering. She did not ask God to cure this mental illness. She is his mother, she is close to him and even his illness. And now he spoke from the Cross: “Woman, behold your son.” Jesus gave his Mother to John, and to us. She is our Mother forever.

The Power Of Prayer

I grieve for you, Mary in sorrow, in the martyrdom that your generous heart suffered while you stood next to Jesus in his agony. O Mother, through the pain of your heart, find me good qualities and the gift of advice.

It’s over. Dark clouds appeared on the sky and the earth. Jesus died. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus carry the body from the cross. Mair took him in her arms. She was filled with sadness that no human heart has ever known. This is her son. She had to hug him in her arms. listening to his voice, watching him on the carpenter’s bench. Now he is dead. She didn’t cry, her sadness was too much for tears.

I mourn for you, dear Mary, who wounded your tender heart, when the young man struck the side of Jesus before removing his body from the cross. O Mother, by the way your heart has changed in this way, get me the good charity of my relatives and the gift of understanding.

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

The body is quickly wrapped in a clean cloth. Nicodemus brought myrrh and aloes, and the body was wrapped in a curtain with them. Near a new tomb of Joseph the man of Arimathea, they put Jesus. Mary and John and the holy women followed them and watched as the great stone of the tomb was rolled away. that’s the end.

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I grieve for you, dear Mary, because of the pain that broke your most loving heart at the burial of Jesus. O Mother, in your heart is drowned in the bitterness of destruction, find me the goodness of zeal and the gift of wisdom.

O sorrowful Virgin, connect me at least with the humiliation and wounds of your Son, so that you can find peace in finding someone who will separate you. Oh, how happy I would be if I could do this! Because there is perhaps something greater, sweeter, or more useful for a person? Why didn’t he give me what I asked for? If I have wronged you, you must be fair and criticize my heart. If I have been faithful to you, do not leave me unrewarded: give me your sorrow.

O suffering Virgin, O noble soul in virtues, as in sorrow, each of which originates from the great fire in your heart towards God, the love of your heart alone!

Mother, have mercy on me, who does not love God, and has offended him greatly. Your sorrow is true, forgive me, but that is not enough. I want to love God. Who can have this grace if not you, the Holy Mother of love! You are Mary, you comfort everyone; Be kind to me again, with your pleasure. Amen.

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After meditating on the Seven Sorrows of Mary and completing the prayer, recite three Hail Marys in honor of the tears of Our Blessed Lady on the first three beads of the cablet.

Devotion to the Virgin of Sorrows should be done especially by souls who want to get rid of their sinful nature. This devotion nourishes the spirit of repentance, gives great comfort, strengthens confidence in God’s mercy, attracts the special protection of the Blessed Mother in the hour of temptation and keeps the penitent from returning to sin.

No matter how many sins a person has committed, if he turns to me with the good intention of doing good, I am ready to accept him in mercy, because I do not consider the number of sins he has committed, but look at what is being thrown away. only. and who comes to me; because I don’t feel any resistance to heal the wounds he got, because I was called, and in fact I am the Mother of Mercy.

How To Pray The 7 Sorrows Rosary

Our Lady directly reveals the wonderful graces that her Son gave to all those who pray to the seven Marys daily while meditating on the seven sorrows and tears.

The Seven Sorrows Of Mary Rosary

4. I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it is not against their will

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