Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

By | August 19, 2023

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution – Social institutions are networks or organized patterns of social relations and activities that persist and emerge to satisfy social needs (or to satisfy human needs), so they can be viewed as an important part of a larger community or society. In other words, social institutions are a set of statuses, roles, associations, rules and beliefs that meet the needs of people in a society.

Institutions refer to how things are organized. This shows the general procedure. Horton and Hunt define it as “a social institution is a system for achieving goals or tasks that people consider important, or a set of public ways and means, legally organized around great work of man. Durkheim went so far as to define sociology as the science of institutions. Giddings sees institutions as the best defenders of the human past. “

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

Institutions are the structured processes that enable people to do their work. A person forms various organizations for personal gain. These organizations and associations have practical ways in the community to satisfy the working methods to achieve their current goals. To achieve different benefits and different goals, a person gets help from work systems, methods, tools, procedures etc. is used.

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Therefore, it is a useful way to respond to the needs of society. For example, if we see a campus as a collection of campus leaders, teachers, professors and other staff, the campus is an organization or organization and has certain goals. To achieve these goals, the campus should follow a special educational method, plan the schedule, rules and regulations and the examination system. All this makes the campus a public institution.

What he means by this is that institutions exist if people behave in certain ways. Organization is only shown as behavior. For example, marriage, relatives, family, religion, economy, dignity, etc. social institutions because they are networks of social relations and social and social activities.

Primitive Social Institutions: The most basic structures found in primitive societies, such as religion, family, marriage, property, and some political structures, are natural, unconscious, or even develop spontaneously.

Secondary Social Institutions: As societies grow in size and complexity, institutions become larger and more numerous. These institutions were established to satisfy the secondary needs of the people. For example, education, skills, law, legislation, constitution, parliamentary procedure, business, etc. Secondary schools are built in a deliberate and planned manner.

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Universal: Social institutions exist everywhere, that is, in all societies and stages of social development.

Relatively permanent: Social institutions are permanent and have specific structures that change in their function but slowly and gradually. For example, family formation includes husband, wife, children, in-laws, etc.

Interdependent / interdependent: Social institutions are interdependent and interdependent. For example, the family depends on the economy, and the economy depends on the political economy of the country. Every change in the economy (agrarian to industrial economy) changes the type and size of the family (joint family to nuclear family).

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

Standard Social Institutions: Institutions should be understood as standard procedures and rules. For example, marriage regulates the relationship between men and women.

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Measures to meet social needs: Social institutions meet some basic and important needs of people. For example, marriage fulfills the psychological needs of both sexes.

Such as control methods: religion, morality, state, government, law, law, etc. social structures such as controlling male behavior.

Abstract in nature: Institutions are not external, invisible or tangible things. They are abstract. Therefore, marriage cannot be preserved in a museum, religion cannot be evaluated and qualified, war cannot be measured and law cannot be taken to a laboratory, etc.

Aims to be a place where social problems are found: Problems arise when social institutions do not function properly, that is, they do not meet social needs. For example, if a government institution does not provide food and work as required, there will be problems of hunger and unemployment, if a government institution fails to maintain peace, security and justice, there will be lawlessness, crime, and disorder.

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Social institutions have overt and covert functions that help to balance and establish complex relationships in society. These tasks are explained as follows:

Continuity of humanity: Family as a social institution preserves humanity and its development through social relations (marriage), providing food, shelter and clothing for survival. . Political institutions provide protection, educational institutions provide knowledge, religious institutions establish virtues and morals for better social relations, and preserve the existence of society.

Transmission of cultural heritage: Family education, Religion, etc. social structures such as culture are passed on to future generations. Family teaches people rules, values, customs, language, and behavior. An educational institution provides education. An institution teaches morality, kindness and the value of life.

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

Satisfying Basic Needs: All institutions aim to satisfy human needs. For example, marriage fulfills the needs of men and women. Economic institutions provide food, political institutions provide security for life and property. An institution provides moral education. Families and schools educate children and provide them with various skills.

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Social Cohesion: Social institutions promote social cohesion. Family institutions teach the value of family belonging, loyalty, and teaching children the rules, values, and customs of society. A religious institution teaches people to help others, we come together for a good reason. Political institutions contribute to the maintenance of security by maintaining security and order.

Social welfare and development: Social institutions are designed to satisfy social needs, that is, human needs for the welfare of society. The family guarantees the economic and social welfare of the children, the government (political institution) provides orphanages, homes for the elderly, homes for the disabled, benefits for the homeless. work, etc. create for the welfare of the people.

Providing recreational facilities: Social institutions are a source of recreation for people. For example, organizing parties and holidays for families on vacation. Educational institutions do this through plays, games, speech contests, and extracurricular activities. In addition, the state (political institution) organizes national sports competitions for the entertainment of its people.

Mental and physical security: Social institutions help with stress and anxiety and provide mental peace and security. For example, religion calms people’s emotions and provides hope in times of failure and anxiety. The family provides emotional, social and physical support to the elderly and children and provides a sense of security. The political system creates police departments, courts and prisons to ensure the safety of life, property, honor and reputation.

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Control and manage human behavior: religion, morality, state, government, laws, laws, etc. Social institutions such as social institutions regulate men’s behavior by establishing various norms. Marriage, for example, regulates men’s behavior.

Definition of individual roles: Social institutions are functional organizations where status and responsibilities are established to achieve the goals of social welfare. The major sociological approaches to education include functional, conflict, and symbolic communication approaches. (Ballantine & Hammack, 2009). Table 16.1 “Theory overview” summarizes the statements of these approaches.

Education has many roles for society. These include a) community, b) social integration, c) social integration, and d) social and cultural innovation. Hidden jobs include child care, peer relations, and reducing unemployment by keeping high school students out of the full-time workforce.

Explain The Concept Of Social Institution

Education promotes social inequality through the use of standardized assessments and tests and the “hidden teaching” effect. Schools differ in terms of financial conditions and learning, and this inequality leads to learning inequality that increases social inequality.

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This perspective focuses on social interactions in the classroom, playground, and other school settings. Specific research finds that social interactions at school affect the development of gender roles and that teacher expectations about what students learn affect how much they learn. student skills.

The functional theory is that education responds to the needs of various societies. Perhaps the most important work in education

. If children are to learn the principles, values, and skills necessary to function in society, education is the primary means of such learning. Schools teach these three currencies, we all know, but they teach many rules and values ​​in society. In the United States, these principles and values ​​include respect for authority, patriotism (remember the Allianz agreement?), decency, individualism, and competition. With regard to these last two values, American students have been competing as citizens for grades and other awards since childhood. The opposite is the case in Japan, where, as we saw in Chapter 4, “Society,” children learn

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