Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

By | August 13, 2023

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs – Despite an unprecedented global crisis, corporate volunteering remains an important force – mobilizing the skills, energy and commitment of employees across all regions to help build a better world for all.

This is the key message of the Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project report. It is based on an in-depth examination of the facts, trends and best practices that continue to shape the industry, as seen by those directly responsible for managing volunteer programs.

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

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In this report, the research team presents what they learned in 2020-2022, a time of unprecedented crisis and change in the concept of volunteering and company practices. Seven broad themes emerged and are discussed in this chapter. In the next section, four key challenges for the industry, derived from the “Alady for the Future” research, are presented.

The following summaries are intended to briefly describe the main trends and characteristics of corporate volunteering in each major region of the world. Detailed articles on each area can be found in Corporate Volunteering for a Post-Pandemic World, Part Two.

COVID-19 has brought seismic changes to volunteering around the world, halting in-person programs, spurring the development of other online activities, and redefining partnerships with existing non-governmental organizations (NGOs). What the field will look like in a post-pandemic world remains an open question.

Ultimately, it is not enough for a company to have a volunteer program or to encourage other companies to get involved. They should also be active supporters of voluntary work. Their knowledge, resources, skills, image and capabilities can make a big difference in life and in maintaining the environment necessary for volunteering, especially communication.

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The C-Suite’s role is to do what it does best – create and support an environment that encourages and encourages volunteerism throughout the company.

The 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have proven to be educational, inspiring and motivating, but they are rarely fully implemented by business and corporate volunteers.

One of the main challenges for corporate volunteering remains: effectively documenting and communicating its impact and value to communities, organizations and individuals, as well as companies and volunteers.

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

Skills-based volunteering (SBV) is one of the fastest growing forms of corporate volunteering. It recognizes the depth of people’s abilities and how they can work to improve the lives of individuals, improve organizational performance, and contribute to the well-being of society.

Volunteering And Its Surprising Benefits

Corporate volunteering is recognized around the world as a benefit to businesses, communities and employees. Many companies use corporate volunteering as a tool for professional and personal development of employees. This is often done in cross-border and skills-based volunteering programs, but also extends to other types of volunteering.

Cross-border volunteering is a unique product of the broader field of corporate volunteering. The reason for this is based on the value to the company and the participating employees, as well as to the organization providing the service. Its future will be shaped by the impact of COVID-19, changing employee engagement attitudes, changing senior management perspectives, and the unproven potential of virtual deployments.

As natural and man-made disasters increase in number and severity, companies must determine the most appropriate roles to play and where volunteers can best make a difference.

Creating and maintaining global volunteer programs requires strong leadership and management skills, energy, imagination, attention to detail and time. The company relies on decentralized leadership and management that are closely linked to mutual support to drive global and local priority initiatives.

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Our approach to employee engagement enables companies to build new and thriving communities that reflect a shared commitment to mutual respect, problem-solving and sustainable growth. A result. Community volunteering has stagnated or declined slightly in recent years. But in the corporate world, it has increased. In fact, voluntary work time off is one of the few employee benefits that has grown significantly over the past five years. The benefits of corporate volunteer programs are well established: they increase productivity, increase employee engagement, and improve recruitment and retention. But often corporate programs are not enough. When developing their own volunteer programs, companies fall into a common trap: They blindly copy what other companies are doing, prioritize pet projects, or force employees to participate, often on a voluntary basis. Such errors reduce the value of the program to the company, employees, and society. Instead, companies must prioritize value, balance top-down structure with bottom-up passion, and strive to include diverse stakeholders in their operations.

The benefits of corporate volunteer programs are well established: they increase productivity, increase employee engagement, and improve recruitment and retention. But often corporate programs are not enough.

When developing their own volunteer programs, companies fall into a common trap: they blindly copy what other companies are doing, they prioritize leaders’ pet projects or force employees to participate, generally volunteering.

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

Such errors reduce the value of the program to the company, employees, and society. Instead, companies must prioritize value, balance top-down structure with bottom-up passion, and strive to include diverse stakeholders in their operations.

Volunteer Programs That Employees Can Get Excited About

Community volunteering has stagnated or declined slightly in recent years. But in the corporate world, it has increased. In fact, voluntary work time off is one of the few employee benefits that has grown significantly in recent years. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 47% of US companies offered community volunteer programs in 2018, up from 40% last year. 2014. This percentage is even higher for large companies. CEOs for Business – a global alliance of multi-billion dollar companies – reported that 66% of its member companies will offer unpaid volunteer programs in 2019, compared to 56% in 2016.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues and the global recession continues, it is unclear whether these trends will continue. Some crises seem to remind people of the need for community: after the terrorist attacks of September 11, for example, volunteerism in the United States reached its highest level in two decades. , which lasted several years. But after the Great Recession, both volunteerism and charitable giving declined. The current economic downturn may cause corporate belts to tighten and managers may be forced to cut back on volunteer work programs. However, even in difficult times, there are good reasons to maintain well-organized events.

Numerous studies have shown that volunteer programs increase productivity, increase employee engagement, and improve employee recruitment and retention. For example, a study I conducted in 2013 showed that the more people volunteer (even if it’s their own time, not company time), the better they perform. It also showed that volunteers become good citizens at work (helping others, giving feedback, etc.). Another study by David Jones of the University of Vermont and colleagues found that potential candidates found companies with employee volunteer programs because of three main factors: the job seeker’s pride in being a member of the company, and how they see the values. fits the company and how the company expects its employees to be treated. Research has also identified the benefits of volunteering beyond just focusing on people’s health and their physical and mental well-being.

Voluntary programs reflect the personal preferences of senior management. But what is important to managers is not necessarily important to employees.

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In my research and consulting work, I have come across volunteer programs of all shapes and sizes. Some companies allow employees to volunteer for any cause or activity; others organize well-organized outings where teams participate together – for example, a charity run or a home-building effort. While the restrictions associated with Covid-19 have stopped normal voluntary activities, they have also given rise to many creative programs that have made it possible to make changes even during the lockdown – for example, through the use of basic wireless services, services. Be a “phone buddy” to check in on seniors or participate in 5K runs on treadmills. Companies also differ in how they motivate, recognize and reward volunteers. And that variation makes sense: Companies should tailor their programs based on factors such as company size, customer and investor expectations, cultural norms and characteristics. Although the programs are different, the mistakes companies make are often the same. In this article, I discuss common pitfalls companies face and best practices for developing and implementing existing programs.

There are many ways businesses can go wrong when creating and implementing a volunteer program. Three problems are most common:

When developing a program, managers are often tempted to oversimplify it

Best Corporate Volunteer Programs

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