What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business

By | December 7, 2023

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business – You wake up to the smell of fresh gluten-free cookies baking in the downstairs oven and the soft rustle of your daughters reading in the next room. It takes you a moment to hear the sweet voices. With a big stretch and a moment of gratitude for the delicious comfort of your bed, you change into your gym clothes and brush your teeth.

You hug your daughters good morning and ruffle their hair when you go for a run.

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business

It’s a quick and easy 3 miles through a nearby park and you wave good morning to joggers and dog walkers as you pass. You breathe in the musky scent of wet trees and warm earth, you smile at the beauty of it all.

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When you get home, you enjoy the steaming biscuits your partner has just taken out of the oven with a good spoonful of raw butter and homemade marion berry jam you made earlier in the season and some fried eggs from the local farmer. good runny buds.

After breakfast, you have a cup of hot tea while writing your morning pages, sitting on the porch while the rest of the neighborhood wakes up.

You set your intentions for the day, take a deep breath in your stomach to ground it, and with that, you go into your day. Updated. Inspired. With a nourished body, an active mind and a loved soul.

And there you have it, my friends. My morning fantasy. What? Did you really think this was mine every day?

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I don’t know if it’s ever happened in such a perfect format, but it’s something I dream about and strive for. I’ve always been fascinated to the point of obsession with morning routines, even more so since having kids and having far less control over what those mornings bring. I’m an avid fan of the Tim Ferriss podcast and he always asks his guests about the first 60-90 minutes of their day. What a confirmation that I am not the only one who sees the defining power of this era!

Those first precious moments reflect your life’s priorities and set the tone for everything that follows. This tone can be set with great attention and care, or it can happen without thinking by default. Its effect is the same, the results are very different. Since I’ve been learning morning routines and improving mine for years, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned. Here are my seven best and worst ways to start your day.

A very important note: I don’t intend to do all these things every day. I haven’t done any of these for many days! That’s why I know so well they work. When I do things on my “best” list and avoid things on my “worst” list, I’m happier, my day is more creative, fun, and productive, and I’m generally a better person.

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business

1.     Go outside. Yes, even if it’s dirty weather. This is one of the most important things you can do for your sleep and circadian rhythm. You can run, walk your dog, sit on the porch and have a hot drink… What you do outside is far less important than just being outside.

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2.     Move your body. The ideal time of day to exercise is in the morning. This supports the body’s circadian rhythm, and what’s more, it can be a great way to clear your head to go into the day refreshed. Your body will also make better use of the foods you eat for breakfast if you do some exercise beforehand.

3. Meditate. I’ve written about the life-changing effects meditation has had on me, and the morning is a wonderful time to do so. Starting the day in this calm and grounded space can only be a good thing. Bonus points for meditating and exercising right after! New research shows that doing both in succession enhances the effects of meditation sessions and significantly reduces depression.

4.     Diary. I was a big believer in journaling at night and I still am, but writing first thing in the morning is a game changer. It clears cobwebs, turns off an overactive monkey mind, and often turns into a perfect problem solver. One style of journaling I use is called the “Morning Pages”: three handwritten pages of whatever comes to mind. I take no credit for this policy. I learned it from Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way, when I first read it in 2009, and have been doing it ever since. Now, you don’t need to do the Morning Pages per se, but if you haven’t tried a morning journal yet, give it a try and see what happens.

5.     Connect with the ones you love. If you live with a spouse, partner, kids, parents or close friend, why not take a few minutes to connect with them before rushing off into the day? I know a client who intentionally sets her alarm two naps before waking up so that she and her partner can snuggle in those delicious 18 minutes before starting their day. If I wake up early enough, I like to play, read or hug my daughters first thing in the morning. It fills them, it fills me, and we all go into our day reminded that we are loved.

Great Ways To Start Your Day.

6.     have sex. I separated this from connection time because it pays to be your own target. Let’s face it: morning sex is great sex, and why not start your day off right!? (sorry… couldn’t resist!) I guarantee you’ll have a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

7.     Eat a nutritious meal, sitting down, with your loved ones. It saddens me how rare it has become to sit down to this important meal, let alone share this time with others. We try to sit together at every meal, even breakfast. Even a few minutes of overlap before we all go our separate ways for the day makes a big difference. This works like connection time, so you get two things here.

1.     Check for emails, text messages, social media, news, etc. on your phone. Obsessive phone checking is an epidemic. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. It takes a lot of self-control NOT to pick up the phone mindlessly.

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Own Business

Scroll through various feeds and see what happened while I was sleeping. The chances of finding something that lifts you up instead of dragging you down are so slim that it’s not worth the risk. Here’s the thing: the morning is one of our most important creative windows. Subconsciously, the brain was doing all sorts of cleaning and troubleshooting while we were sleeping. We can continue that momentum in all the ways I mentioned above, or we can give that creative space to what happens in our Facebook feed or inbox. Which one do you choose?

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2. Meaningless web wrap on any device. Okay, so you hung up the phone. Incredible! Don’t undo that good work and open your laptop. Keep your morning technique free and see what happens.

3.    Respond to work email. I know that in some roles, you really have to be on call from the moment you wake up. This item is for the rest of us. Before picking up your laptop to read your work email, ask yourself: what would be the downside?

Be if you didn’t check the email first? Do you think that in a real crisis your colleagues will have no other way to get in touch? If you’re someone who starts your day with work and more work, it’s time to be honest with yourself: what are you saying NO to by constantly saying YES to your work?

4.     Watching TV. Having the TV turned on in the background might seem harmless enough, but it’s more of a way to give up your creative space to something (probably pointless and probably stressful) outside of you. Save the TV for compression time at the end of the day.

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5.     Read/watch the news. I know that for some people not knowing what is going on in the world is sacrilege. I’m not saying you never watch the news, I’m saying you don’t watch it first thing in the morning. I think we can all agree that the news is rarely encouraging. Do you really want the tone of the day to be set with scary, stressful, and often depressing information that you normally can’t do anything about?

6.     Doing housework. Dishes, laundry, sweeping… Of course, it’s not as scary or stressful as the news, but do you want to give the most creative part of the day to the most menial work? You can do this at any time. Note: I do not include making your bed as part of this. I’m determined to leave the room beautiful sets

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