The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

By | December 22, 2023

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity – 24 Obesity and high-risk conditions associated with preventive measures Reviewed by: Dr. TS Deepthi Sarojini | Author: Manoja Calacanti

Obesity has become a common health condition that has reached epidemic proportions in several countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity cases worldwide have tripled since 1975. According to their report, 1.9 billion adults were obese in 2016 and 39 million children under the age of 5 were obese in 2020. childhood obesity. This article talks about 24 high-risk conditions associated with obesity and how to prevent them.

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

There are many health risks of obesity and multiple risk factors that lead to disease. High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and heart disease are conditions that can result from obesity. Avoiding excessive weight gain is the best way to avoid the disorders caused by obesity. But first, let’s look at 24 conditions associated with being overweight.

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Obesity is a condition in which an individual has excess weight and body fat. A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher is considered an indicator of obesity. Proper control can help avoid obesity-related health problems. Over time, it can cause many serious health complications and significantly reduce quality of life.

There are several conditions associated with obesity. Many are well known, such as the link between obesity and coronary heart disease and diabetes. They are caused by or are responsible for obesity, which leads to the development of these conditions. Let’s take a look at 24 conditions associated with obesity.

Obesity is considered a major cause of type 2 diabetes, and it’s no surprise that most people with diabetes are overweight or obese. Obesity causes inflammation and high fatty acids, leading to insulin resistance. This can lead to diabetes. You can reduce your risk of diabetes through a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and exercise.

Like diabetes, pre-diabetes can be caused by inflammation and excess fat, which increases insulin resistance. Being obese increases your risk of pre-diabetes exponentially. A healthy lifestyle can help you avoid obesity and its consequences.

What Are The Health Risks Of Overweight And Obesity?

Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for high cholesterol levels. Low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

There is a direct relationship between your weight and the amount of stress on your feet. Your feet support your body, and excess body weight puts tremendous pressure on the joints and bones of your feet. This excessive stress will cause many health problems such as osteoarthritis, splayed feet, and gout.

Being overweight or obese is one of the important causes of high blood pressure. It is no coincidence that many obese people have high blood pressure. Obesity makes the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body. This puts tremendous strain on the arteries that react to the resistance to blood flow. This resistance increases your blood pressure.

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

Dyslipidemia is a condition in which blood lipids or cholesterol and fat levels are abnormally high or low. This condition can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Obesity is directly related to dyslipidemia, and the best way to prevent it is to lose weight through a healthy diet and physical activity.

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Hyperlipidemia or high blood cholesterol is a condition in which an individual has high triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels. Increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is often found in people suffering from obesity.

Waist size is directly related to weight. Waist size is also one of the ways to determine whether you are overweight or not. Even if you are a healthy weight, having excess fat around your waist puts you at risk for heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes. Men with a waist of 37 inches (94 cm) and women with a waist of 31.5 inches (80 cm) are at risk for health problems.

The risk of developing gestational diabetes is significantly higher in obese women before pregnancy. This can cause complications during pregnancy.

The risk of insulin resistance and diabetes is much higher in obese people. In obese people, adipose tissue that stores lipids and triglycerides releases a large number of hormones, non-esterified fatty acids, and insulin-stimulating factors such as pro-inflammatory cytokines.

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Hormones are directly related to obesity and are one of the most common causes. Excess or deficiency of hormones can lead to obesity. Insulin, growth hormone, leptin and sex hormones affect our appetite, metabolic rate and fat distribution. In obese people, abnormal hormone levels affect metabolism and body fat percentage.

Hemorrhoids are common in obese people. Being overweight puts tremendous pressure on the blood vessels around the anus and rectum. Being overweight greatly increases your risk.

Your overall health and lifestyle affect your immune system. An unhealthy lifestyle characterized by a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits can weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to disease. In general, for obese people, eating healthy food and not exercising properly are two factors that strengthen immunity. However, if you are obese, eating a healthy diet will not strengthen your immune system. Inflammation, reduced cytokine production, and decreased response to antigenic and mitogenic stimuli are factors that weaken the immune system in obese individuals.

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

A link between obesity and cancer has been established. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of cancers such as kidney, cervical, pancreatic and colorectal cancers. It is believed to be mainly caused by the visceral fat that surrounds the organs. Visceral fat affects bodily functions, including hormones. Excess visceral fat can lead to oxygen starvation, which can cause inflammation. Long-term inflammation can increase your risk of cancer.

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Lack of sleep and obesity are closely related. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects your metabolism and affects two hormones that control your appetite: leptin and ghrelin. This imbalance can trigger hunger, which can lead to overeating. You may be tempted to eat unhealthy, high-calorie foods. Lack of sleep can also lead to weight gain. Lack of rest also leads to fatigue, which makes you too tired to exercise.

Stress, anxiety and depression are all interconnected. They can also lead to obesity and vice versa. Stress and anxiety can lead to depression, and as a coping mechanism, a person eats more, which can lead to obesity. Bullying, anxiety, and the social stigma associated with obesity can also contribute to depression.

The pressure exerted by obesity on the blood vessels and heart causes the blood vessels in the eyes to burst or become blocked. This can affect the nutrient supply that blood vessels provide to the eye and cause vision loss.

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of health. People with conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease have suffered serious complications and even death from COVID-19. Obesity can cause these conditions and further increase the risk of complications and death. And because obesity weakens the immune system, obese people are at greater risk of getting seriously ill or dying from viruses.

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Lethargy is a common symptom of being overweight or obese. Obese people often suffer from sleep apnea, which causes fatigue during the day due to lack of sleep. Obesity-related inflammation and stress increase the likelihood of fatigue.

Heart problems are closely related to obesity. Obesity is one of the leading causes of heart attack. Obesity is responsible for conditions that affect heart health, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of these conditions increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Even small changes in weight can help reduce your risk.

Severe pancreatitis and other pancreatic disorders often occur in people who are overweight. Inflammation is the main cause.

The Health Risks Associated With Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common causes of various pancreatic diseases such as pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, obese people are 20% more likely to get pancreatic cancer.

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Preeclampsia is one of the medical conditions associated with obesity. This condition is a pregnancy-related complication that causes high blood pressure and other organ damage. Obesity greatly increases the risk of disease. The cause is considered to be the higher amount of triglycerides and fatty acids in the body of obese women.

If you can successfully control your weight, you can avoid the above health complications of obesity. So let’s see how to prevent obesity.

The first step in preventing the disease is understanding the causes of obesity. Here are some of the most common causes of obesity. unhealthy eating habits